Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Angela Piazza
  • Female
  • Miller Place, New York
  • United States
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Angela Piazza's Friends

  • NL Wick
  • Jill @ Walk A Doodle
  • Jacquie Yorke (DRC)
  • Patty Barnes
  • Adina P

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Our boy "SNACKs" from "Walkadoodle" =}

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
F1B Labradoodle....his mom is a Labradoodle and his dad is Standard Poodle. His name is "SNACKS", named for our son......who always asks, "mom, can I have a snack?" now he has the biggest SNACK ever!!! Snacks is just about 1 1/2 years old, apx. 90 lbs, and loves to COUNTER SURF!!!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
My son has terrible allergies...he always wanted either a Lab or a when we researched the "doodles" and found they were more "allergy friendly", we knew that a doodle would be the perfect pet!!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
He loves to play "fetch" with his toys, though, we're still trying to learn "drop it" so we actually get to throw it again!!! lol. Our trick is to yell "Squirrelly" and then he drops it!!! He loves to chase squirrels!! He also thinks he's a lap dog, he loves to just plop himself right on top of you!!! He loves his "mom's" cooking too!!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
we have a Mobile Groomer come to the house, as Snacks is not to fond of getting in the car yet!!
Favorite Doodle Products?
Well, he just loves lots of treats and pig ears!!
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At 10:03am on November 9, 2008, NL Wick said…
Hi Angela. Great idea on a reunion! Jill decided to do a Walkadoodle Family site on here -- yea!!! Seamus loved the pictures of Snacks - particularly the ones in the chair and on the couch. He wants Snacks to know that he is very mistreated because he is not allowed on the furniture (although it doesn't stop him from trying every once in a while). Busy here as everywhere... talk with you again soon. Nedra.
At 9:05am on October 26, 2008, Jill @ Walk A Doodle said…
Last Time I got pics(that I have somehow lost) of the MIAMI BOY was Mothers Day!!!! Looked like he was doin great chillin on a Yahct!!! I have been trying to get her to join??? I think she is really busy with her young children and a buisness!!! Ya know I had to be invited 3 times I was sooo busy with everything around here... I am glad I finally had some time to check it out here!!! A Walkadoodle reuinion would be fun!!! Have you made any doodle friends in your area? Hey those Green Jammies that Frankie has on r CUTE!!!!
At 4:26pm on October 23, 2008, NL Wick said…
Angela, Our boy Seamus is a Walkadoodle also... Dad is Jill's chocolate lab and mom is her silver poodle. He joined us right before Christmas last December and just celebrated his 1st birthday last Saturday. His hair is wavy, not like Snacks who looks like he has the poodle coat... Most say Seamus' hair is like mine in texture and also in color (when my roots are showing through). I noticed your "squirrely" comment to Jill -- Yep, apparently runs in the family -- Seamus knows which toy is "duck", "bunny", and "squirrel" will get them on command, but only leave them with you if he decides you are not going to throw them in the washing machine! NL (Nedra).
At 7:12am on October 23, 2008, Jill @ Walk A Doodle said…
So far 2 other walkadoodles...LOL... are on the site with us. MoniQue from Chattanooga!!! And NL Wick & Seamus Mcdoodle from Atlanta!!! I am still tyring to recruit more!!! It is soo neat to see Our doodles grow up!!!
At 7:38pm on October 20, 2008, Janie said…
You are welcome. Know what you mean about hubby throwing you out. I hope to see you around DoodleKisses!
At 7:07pm on October 20, 2008, Jill @ Walk A Doodle said…
Hey Angela & guys have such cute pics!!! Try filling a Kong toy with Peanut butter it might keep him busy...and cut down on the counter surfin!!!!LOL
At 5:54pm on October 19, 2008, Jill @ Walk A Doodle said…
Angela!!!! Sounds like Snakaroo is taking after his momma she dose her share of counter surfing!!! I am glad that he did not get sick. In his mother's younger years ate one of my socks...scared me to death...but it came out whole the next day...I was relieved & disgusted...I made sure there was no more Laundry basket Surfing!!!! AAh Life with a doodle...Never a dull moment!!!
At 4:44pm on October 19, 2008, Patty Barnes said…
Angela, you are scaring me. Snacks has an eating disorder!
At 4:15pm on October 19, 2008, Patty Barnes said…
Angela--I bet he ate all that stuff because his name is Snacks!
At 4:15pm on October 19, 2008, Patty Barnes said…
Wow, Angela. That's a scary story with a happy ending. Whew. My mediums like to pull dishtowels off their hooks and play tug-o-war with one another. My dishtowels lose every time.


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