Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Started this discussion. Last reply by Melissa, Samson & Shelby Feb 5, 2009. 4 Replies 0 Favorites
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I would love to teach Cooper how to swim. Maybe we should try getting him a life jacket. Where did you get the ones for your dogs? We tried getting him to go into the lake (we have a little cabin on Lake Pleasant in the Adirondacks) and he would just stick his paws in the first year. The second year he went in to the top of his legs. We installed an inground pool and we "pulled" him in with his leash. It was in the shallow end. He started to sink so we held onto him. We tried to teach him the doggie paddle. He finally paddled over to the stairs to get out as fast as he could. He stayed away from the pool the rest of the summer. I would say Cooper is a bit of a chicken over a lot of things. He is a great watch dog though. If he hears or smells something nearby, he will immediately alert us by barking or growling. If the doorbell rings, he barks. If it is a stranger, he will bark until we say it is o.k. then he will lick them to death and will be their friend for life. Last weekend he decided to disobey and go across to the neighbor's house. He went onto their front porch and stood there looking into their windows and barking until they answered their door. He is so funny! It was just like watching a person trying to visit someone. He loves the woman who lives there and was looking for her. She answered her door and yelled "we have company. hello handsome!" Luckily, we live on a cul-de-sac so we don't have any traffic.
Schenectady, NY is about 13 miles west of Albany, NY. We're also close to Saratoga, NY (a beautiful place). We actually got Cooper from a breeder near Plattsburgh, NY almost in Canada! He is such a sweetheart - what a personality! Do your dogs swim? We have tried to get Cooper to, however, he does not like it! My son saw the pictures of your dogs and he is now begging for another one! You know, I can't believe that Cooper is so big! We thought he might be around 65lbs. That is also what the vet thought. Others that saw him as a puppy kept telling us they thought he would be much bigger. They were right! His paws were SO big as a puppy! When we picked him up from the breeder, I was expecting a much smaller puppy! When she told me "here is your baby", I was shocked. He was already bigger than most puppies I had ever seen. His mother was the golden - and a much bigger golden then I have ever seen. Also, his dad who was the poodle was huge! I think Cooper is taller than most of them, however. He is just a big teddy bear. He is always near me. I think I am his favorite! Whatever room I am in, he is there beside me. I think we need to convince my husband that Cooper needs a playmate!
Just saw your page in the NY Goldendoodle group. I'm from upstate NY (Rotterdam) . Love your doodles! Riley looks a lot like Cooper! How old and how big are they? Karen E.
LOVE the picture or Rorie & Riley. I am trying to catch up as I am always behind! WIll write more soon! Take care,
Karen & Dexy
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