It's pretty amazing that it's been 5 weeks since we brought Floyd home. It's for sure gone by fast but at times it feels like it's been years. Overall I have gotten more sleep but I still have not been able to get my full 8 hours that I'm used to so I have begun getting used to feeling just slightly tired all of the time. I'm ready for nap right now as a matter of a fact. With that said, Floyd is learning so quickly I can't believe how far we have come. Going from that feeling of "What did we get ourselves into?" to "We really have a great dog" has been very satisfying. I'll still be happy when we don't have to worry about him trying to chew the curtains or the corners of our sofa but all in all he is really adjusting to the rules of the house and his order in our family/pack.
He rings his Poochie Bells every time he needs to go potty now which is great! It's been consistent for 2 weeks now. To not have to worry about him peeing on the rug has been nice but I'm still going to give it another 2 weeks at least to feel confident that he if for sure 100% potty trained. It's been an amazing life lesson in patience with him as well as with each other. Wass and I have learned more about ourselves and our marriage in the last 5 weeks than we could have ever imagined. As we start our 6th week with Floyd my main goal is to get myself more me time and get some yoga in. My whole body is so stiff and sore it's crazy!!!
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