Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Oliver is officially 4 months old today! Using the doodle equation, he should be ~66-76lbs. as an adult! He also graduates from puppy class next week!

I've been trying to teach Oliver to play fetch with a frisbee since he was about 8 weeks old. However, when he was that young it was nothing more than a chew toy to him...and fetch? No way. He'd much rather keep it to himself thankyouverymuch. He'd carry it around the house with him....but it was only today that he actually brought it to me...As if to share his new, prized possession. So, I picked it up and he immediately started jumping (something out of the ordinary for him since we ignore him when he jumps). I threw it up in the air in our living room and he jumped and caught it! I was thrilled! We played for about 10 minutes and he is completely worn out! If it wasn't so dark outside, I'd so take him to play frisbee outside right now...but that will have to wait for tomorrow...I'm sure I will have LOTS of pictures! Jonathan and I have always wanted a dog we could play frisbee with! *So proud!*

Last week at puppy class we were supposed to learn "shake," but, since Oliver already knows this...our trainer asked if there was something else we wanted to learn. I told her I wanted to teach him to "roll over." So she taught me what to do and within 5 minutes, Oliver was rolling over on his back. I've been working on this with him for a few minutes each day, and now he immediately rolls on his back when I do the gesture and say roll over....but he just wants to stay ON HIS, it's a start!

Also, I was thinking today about how Oliver isn't like the typical dog who kisses and licks people like crazy when he's excited. In fact, he's rarely excitable! LOL He's the most mellow dog I've ever owned...and I grew up with one of the most intelligent, calm German Shepherds who served as my father's guide dog. If I could re-name Oliver now that I really see his personality- I'd name him Eeyore. He's very much like him...moves very slowly and deliberately...and just kind of has that "ho hum" attitude. He also has the biggest, saddest puppy dog eyes that are just SOOO cute when he looks up at you! When someone comes to let him out of his crate, we know he's happy because he SLOOOWLLY wags his tail, but he doesn't jump or bark like crazy like most dogs do when their owners get home. When we open the door, he slooowwwllly walks out and slowwwlly moves his gaze up to ours all while his tail SLOOWLLY wags. That's as excited as he gets- it's like Disney World for Oliver! haha I guess that's just who Oliver is- not in a hurry to do anything or get anywhere! That is, unless I have his new love- the frisbee! Or a treat. :) ANYWAY, this got me thinking about the name "Doodle kisses." The very few and far between kisses that we receive from Oliver are extremely slow and deliberate, where he looks down at the floor and then sloooowwllyyy moves his head up to the sky so his tongue slowwwwly slides up your hand, face, etc. It's the FUNNIEST thing ever! It definitely makes us appreciate each little doodle kiss we receive from him :) So, I was wondering- is this a doodle thing, hence the name of the site?

Oliver with his new, fave toy!

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