When we first went to pick our Molly girl up, she was the softest ball of fluffy black fur I had ever seen or felt. She was all black aside from a small heart shaped white patch on her chest.
Our breeder told us she would more than likely be blue/grey when she fully matured.
As the weeks go by, she has started to sprout (lol, do dogs sprout hair) white fur from her feet. The tips of her feet are now a light shade of grey almost white. Shortly after, she also started to sprout (again) white fur from under her chin, it's really rather cute.
She was also getting a shade of brown around her nose/muzzle area.
Last weekend my MIL commented on how her entire body now has a brownish appearance.
Last night I noticed that the brown around her nose area was really noticable and turning even darker.
I'm not sure what color Molly wants to be, but I'm having fun watching her change colors :-) I've never had a dog that changed as much as she has in appearance from the time she was born. I'm still holding out hope that she might have a bit of blue/grey in her...but regardless, she's still a cutie!
She has been very good lately.
The transition from TOTW to Wellness (with a scoop of yoghurt and pumpkin) has been working out WONDERFULLY.
One happy, healthy pup!
I gave her a small dry NB treat yesterday and today I finally gave her a peanut butter filled kong. We'll see how she does today when I get home from work! I'm hoping things will remain going just fine and no more stomache issues!!
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