Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Remington went in for surgery today (Thursday) at 11:30 in the morning.  I got a call from the vet doing the surgery at a little after 2:00 in the afternoon saying that they had just finished up, so he must have went in later than expected.  The surgeon said that everything went very smoothly.  They were able to remove both anal glands with no problems.  They did have a little more bleeding than expected, but nothing to worry about.  This is a huge weight off our shoulders!  I feel like I can breathe again!

At 3:35 in the afternoon, Brandy called me to tell me Remington was awake.  I felt so happy to hear this because for the past couple of nights I have been having dreams about him not waking up after the surgery.  However, my happiness was short lived because then she told me that Remington was in quite a bit of pain and she was giving him pain meds to manage it.  My heart dropped and my happiness started to crumble a bit.  I'm not real sure why because of course we knew this was going to be an extremely painful recovery, but it is hard to feel like you are the one who caused this pain for him. I have spent much of the evening crying and thinking if this was in fact the right thing to do for him.

So far we have made it past the surgery, but now the hardest part starts... his recovery.  We will spend the next few days dealing with his extreme pain and waiting to see if he has control of his bowel movements.  I won't lie... I'm more scared now waiting to see if this whole thing was worth it.

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Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on May 19, 2011 at 4:35pm
I am so glad the surgery part is behind you.  I agree that recovery will be the hardest part. We send out love to you and Remington.
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on May 19, 2011 at 4:04pm
The worst is over...and it sounds like he came through the surgery just fine.  You know they'll manage his pain...and he's not going to remember a thing.
Comment by Nicky, Riley & Boris on May 19, 2011 at 3:58pm

Kendra, try to stay in the moment and focus on very small things.  The surgery is over and it was succesful.  That part is over.  They have very good pain meds which work very well.  Keep us posted.  When can you visit?  Look after yourself this is most important and remember we are all here thinking of you both.

Comment by Donna K & Quincy on May 19, 2011 at 3:53pm
Keep positve thoughts, there is power in postive thinking, Remington will be fine, we will all think it with you, it will be a single powerful thought from all your fellow DKers. 
Comment by Michele, Biscuit & Mo on May 19, 2011 at 3:39pm
Cheryl's right - remember to think "one day at a time."  It will take a few days, but Remington is lucky to have you for a mommy.  And in the long run, he's going to do so well, I just know it!
Comment by cheryl & oliver on May 19, 2011 at 3:05pm
Kendra, glad to hear that all went well with the surgery, that is the first step...Now the recovery, one day ast a time, you know that it will take a few days, like a person the first three days after surgery are the worst.  The third day being the worst.  they will manage his pain, and he will do well.   I am just so happy to hear that all went well during the surgery!!!!,,,Hugs to all of you, and try to get some rest tonight, I am sure they will sedate him well tonight.  Did they say when you can see him?...


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