So I am putting this one out there as I am wondering if I am the only person who feels like this. Today, I took Frankie to a dog park and met up with this man who had two dogs A very active 2 yr old pit bull mix and also a 9 year old shepherd. The pit bull mix just loved Frankie and they played and romped like young dogs do. The poor Shepherd was trying to join in but was dragging her hind quarters behind her. IT just broke my heart. I asked him what the vet said and if there was anything they could give her for relief and he reckoned the vet said "she is NOT IN pain" Now come on...I am not a vet but I do know that any form of arthritis is extremely painful and the mere fact that she was dragging herself around just proved it was too painful for her to walk normal. Now my question to all you dog lovers is if this were you, would you just accept and carry on watching the poor thing try and walk, or would you do something about it. I know that this could be each and everyone one of us later down the road, but I am just curious to see everyone's opinion. Is this cruel? kind? or just ignorant?
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