Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We headed back to our vet again today (Phoebe recently finished her meds for an ear infection, had her re-check and then headed back to the vet a week or so ago for a bout of vomiting!)--whom we see more than I see my husband it seems--as Phoebe has been gnawing on her left front paw off and on for two days. At first, I did not know what to make of it as she was running/walking/jumping without issue so I decided to watch it for a day. This morning, she was chewing on it again so I called the vet to make an appointment. Even she was somewhat puzzled as Phoebe showed no signs of favoring her paw nor did she balk when the vet was touching it and feeling around for something potentially lodged between the pads. When she separated the pads, however, it was red but as the vet was quick to point out, not infected. While the vet still does not know why it is red, she prescribed a topical ointment and suggested Phoebe take Benadryl if she continues to bite at it. We have a recheck in a few days. With my DH out of work for so long now and the countdown on to the last day of school--which happens to be a mere 40 school days exclusive of weekends and additional days off!!!--at least 7 major events occurring at school stuffed into those 40 days, 6 major projects due for school within that final month and a child who suffers from periodic fever syndrome and we never know when it will strike, I could really use of few days when nothing goes wrong. I need no repairmen, doctor's visits or vet visits for the rest of the school year! Yep, I am cranky today.

UPDATE--My wish for 'a few days when nothing goes wrong' did not even last through the night. While making dinner last night , our CO/Gas detector went off with a gas reading on the screen. I needed to evacuate the children/Phoebe/DH (is it wrong to include him in the list AFTER Phoebe?) and then I called 911. Fire Lt. comes out and tells us that the readings are all negative and the monitor was reset--he said it could have been a glitch. It did not settle well with me as I like firm answers--I am very black and white-- so I called the gas company this morning. They immediately dispatched someone to check and he found a gas leak in my fireplace. Another day, another ordeal..enough stress already..I desperately need the vacation we cannot afford!

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Comment by Linda, Webber and Seda on April 22, 2010 at 7:24am
Bummer! Things have got to get easier!!! And soon, I hope.
Comment by Kathy Spyker on April 15, 2010 at 5:01pm
Lilly will chew on her paws after she is groomed, but after about a week she stops , I hope you get your wish of' no unexpected bills of any kind for the rest of the year, =)
Comment by shelly on April 15, 2010 at 1:20pm
UNBELIEVABLE! Thank goodness you need black and white answers!!! Open up ALL of your windows and doors and let out those EVIL SPIRITS!!!
Comment by shelly on April 14, 2010 at 8:10pm
I'm so sorry that you are in such a slump. AND... it's perfectly okay to be cranky. I know how you feel! I didn't think anyone else counted school days like I do! School's getting me down too - as a mommy and a teacher!!! Hang in there! Better days are on their way. P.S.... You can "crank" here any time you'd like! Hope Phoebe feels better real soon!
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on April 14, 2010 at 6:08pm
It helps just to know that we are here for you to vent. I would be cranky too.
Comment by Phoebe's Mom on April 14, 2010 at 2:07pm
I love the concept of you idea, but I think I need more than Benadryl these days! Of course, because I am migraine sufferer to boot, I cannot drink! Basicall, I am a mess. BUT, Phoebe is playing up a storm so that makes me so happy.
Comment by Frannie & Callie on April 14, 2010 at 1:45pm
I wish you a long stretch of time where everything goes smoothly! I suggest giving Phoebe a benadryl, then taking one yourself and getting into bed!
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on April 14, 2010 at 1:17pm
My vet, in addition to the benadryl suggests wiping the paws off with baby wipes when they come in from pottying. Particularly in the am when the dew is on because so many airborne allergens can stick to their feet. I actually dunk Lucy's in a bowl of water and wipe them off.
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on April 14, 2010 at 12:25pm
Peri has been gnawing a bit also - the pollen is driving her nuts - if I wipe it off, it's just fine. I hope the benadryl will help. Keep us posted! I would be cranky also....
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on April 14, 2010 at 12:14pm
Wow, you certainly do have your hands full. Here's hoping that the ointment and Benadryl will take care of Phoebe. At least that will be one less worry. I'm thinking if I were in your shoes, I would be beyond cranky!


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