Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well fall is here, and has been very cool here in Portland the last couple of days. I plan on bathing Riley tomorrow as it is supposed to be nice. I have to post this, as I need the prompts to go ahead with the project. Want to get a picture of him all soaked, as he really looks like a wet chihuahua. My wife went to Costco today and brought back a pack of soft dog animals for Riley, he has been working on them non stop since he was given them. Costco employee said that they were flying off the shelf. There were like five or six toys, pretty large and cute. Had to give one to Asia (my sister in laws Golden), picked the uglest but still nice. I am so selfish. Have to keep the best for Riley. Pictures to follow.

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Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on October 5, 2009 at 8:48am
Bath day was yesterday for Harlow so she would be pretty for the romp. She is still getting car sick so this time I used a beach towel as a giant bib. I helped keep clean and almost dry.
Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on October 5, 2009 at 5:25am
Today is bath day for both girls. We spent the day at the Romp on the beach yesterday. Both decided it was warm enough (and it was over 70!!) to swim, both brought home the beach and they stink! I was going to do it when we got home but I was too tired and put it off for today. I must do my errands first (lucky girls) because after bathing and grooming 2 I will be exhausted.
Can't wait to see the pics of the Chihuahua!
Go slow with the hair dryer so he doesn't freak out. Just let him smell it - treat. Turn it on (don't let the air hit him - treat, treat, treat. If he doesn't run away, let the air him on a leg - treat, treat, treat. Let me know how he likes it. I have to do the same with Charli. Her coat is so thick it takes forever for hers to dry. Samantha dries so fast that I don't have to dry her.
Comment by Joanne ~ Spud* on October 4, 2009 at 6:46am
Too cold in Ohio to bath outside also.
Charles, I have a hairdryer that has a "cool" setting--so no hot air. Bath day for us was last Friday. Spud was white once again. Almost thought he was a different dog. One week later, he has new mats, grass-stained feet, a dirty beard, but he is so happy. He's a dog.
Comment by Charles Rocheville on October 4, 2009 at 6:38am
Well, Riley gets his bath in the kitchen sink at this stage of his life. Like it warm for drying him. As he takes his towel and runs, rolls and rubs himself dry. He doesn't know what a hair dryer is yet. Probably should start getting him used to it.
Comment by Jeannine on October 4, 2009 at 6:11am
Good luck!
Here in Ontario it is already to late for an outside bath...


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