Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Charles Rocheville's Blog (52)

I am back!

I have been away for years, but Riley and I are still bouncing  around.  Or at least Riley.  Hard to believe he is 6 1/2 years old now. It will take me some time, but will try and update my page with current info and pictures.  Had an email change while back, so corrected that.  Was able to snag Joanne last night, but took me awhile not used to the newer mobile format and all..  Well, any of my ol' pen-pals still around give my a holler.

Added by Charles Rocheville on September 23, 2015 at 11:44am — 5 Comments

Yet, Another Funny!

Called a new groomer, she asked for all kinds of information as I was first time client.  At the end of conversation she asked:" Is Charles neutered?"   I said "Yes", but my dog's name is " Riley".  There was just silence on the line, then she said: " I asked, for the dog's name".  LOL.   My, SNL has been cutting him for the years, she is going in for an operation and had to take him to someone new.  It is just too hard on her right now.   We, will see! 




Added by Charles Rocheville on June 26, 2012 at 11:52am — 6 Comments

Sorta funny!

Been retired now for awhile. Wife, has had all kinds of suggestions as to what I could do around the house.  Not happening fast enought for her.  Told me the out side door was not latching when shut, and popping open.  Said, Riley could go out un-noticed if we not there.  She went into the shower, I fixed the problem.  I was in the kitchen, and she attempted to show me how the door came open.  But to no avail, she could not make it pop open as before.  She, tried and tried.  Said, can't…


Added by Charles Rocheville on May 17, 2012 at 3:47pm — 9 Comments

Thief Caught: Evidence Left At Scene.

Houdini Dog Strikes Again:

I went into the living room yesterday, and couldn't figure out why there was a half a small bag of M&M's on the floor.  Looked under dining table, and there were bits of gum wrappers and torn napkins.  Didn't take Columbo to figure it was Riley, getting into my wife's jacket pocket.  She always has treats,candy and gum in her jacket pockets.  Other than knowing where items came from, there was no physical evidence left at the scene.  My wife's jacket…


Added by Charles Rocheville on February 19, 2012 at 7:50am — 21 Comments

Yet, Another Bedtime Story!

When Sir Riley is ready for bed/crate at night, pretty easy task normally!   When I put him to bed, he just immediately heads for his crate when let in from his nightly duties.  When my wife does it, she always gives him a small biscuit before closing and locking him up for the night.  Wife always asks me, " Did you give him his treat?".  My response has been, he does'nt need one!. 


Well apparently Riley thinks differently.  Over the course of time, Riley knows if Julie puts…


Added by Charles Rocheville on February 14, 2012 at 9:47am — 12 Comments

Have a funny one.  Last night my wife went down to put Riley to bed for the night in his crate.  Room was dark.  Riley, came in after doing his nightly duties.  He normally goes right into his crate,…

Have a funny one.  Last night my wife went down to put Riley to bed for the night in his crate.  Room was dark.  Riley, came in after doing his nightly duties.  He normally goes right into his crate, crate door is then closed and locked.  That is the only way he likes to go to bed.  Well, he must of zigged left and did not go into his crate.  My wife assumed he was in the crate and locked the door.  We couldn't figure out why Riley was barking after being put to bed.  After and hour of my…


Added by Charles Rocheville on January 13, 2012 at 12:36pm — 14 Comments

Eye Weeping



Riley has had some heavy eye weeping from time to time.  Looks like a dog that should be in a KISS concert.  This has been going on for almost two weeks.  He was due for a bordella shot, so saw the vet Thursday.  He has some eye drops and regimen for three weeks.  Weighed 29.6 at vet, well I know now my scale is accurate.  Vet said no infection, possible allergy?  As his weeping is clear, not green indicating infection or other problem.  The visit with a stool sample ($42),…


Added by Charles Rocheville on July 31, 2011 at 11:34am — 3 Comments


Riley is pretty much a wimp, as far as with other dogs go.  For the most part he would rather visit people, than run and tumble with other dogs.  There are a few exceptions to that, he must be in the mood I guess.  BUT!  We had some critter activity on the other side of our fence the other night.  Probably, a raccoon.  He went nuts, wanted to get back to where the action was.  Glad he wasn't able to, as I have seen the size of at least one of them.  Later, he was in his room, I was in the back… Continue

Added by Charles Rocheville on June 26, 2011 at 1:36am — 9 Comments

Submissive acts do not always go your way.

Went to the small dog park today.  He met his match.  He and a young lab pup met up (about the same size), and lab pup had sooo much energy and power.  Riley, thought he would be submissive.  He rolled on his back, and the pup proceeded to wrestle and tumble with him.  Riley figured it was time to get out of Dodge, and out ran him.  Hopefully, he learned a little lesson today. Better to run when you have a more powerfull playmate.  Get your licks in on the run.

Added by Charles Rocheville on May 30, 2011 at 3:59pm — 7 Comments

First trip to swimming water

Took Riley to a indoor dog park (Fido's) yesterday that has a large pool.  He dawned his life vest with a handle on the top of it.  They had a few different doggie entry platforms and a exit dock.  Well, as he does with everything he sat at pool edge and surveyed  the situation.  When I pushed him lightly and coaxed him to go in, he put his wheels in four wheel lock.  Kept the pressure on and he was in.  Of course, he made a bee line of the shortest route back to the pool edge.  The…


Added by Charles Rocheville on May 8, 2011 at 7:39am — 9 Comments

If Doodles could talk

If you know about me and my non excercising program with Sir Riley you my find this interesting.  On top of his crate we have a bin full of toys, brushes, medicines and et all.  The last few days he has been going over to it , and not touching his toys which are out and on top of the crate.  I kept saying what do you want?  Today, I found out.  His lead was drapped over the bin.  He jumped up, nuzzled the lead and then sat and stared at me.  I asked him again, what do you want?  He again jumped… Continue

Added by Charles Rocheville on March 9, 2011 at 11:17am — 10 Comments

Agillity class taken over a year ago!

When I  was on the mend, took Riley to a few weeks of agillity training a year or so ago.  After classes, I made some hurdles for him.  Worked with him a few times, and put everything in the garage and did no more with him for well over a year now.  We went to our doodle romp a couple of weeks ago.  There was a pretty big plastic child play structure.  Had a incline ramp that got… Continue

Added by Charles Rocheville on March 7, 2011 at 9:30am — 4 Comments

Haircut gone bad!! Although looking at him, will put a smile on your face!

We have a Romp tomorrow.  Took Riley in for a haircut yesterday, so he would be styling!!  Well he looks like one of the three stooges that had something blow up in his face and scenged his forehead.  And his eyes look like he looking at you from a cave.  Never understood, why cousin didn't go on his date in High School after my dad gave him a haircut.  Now, I…


Added by Charles Rocheville on February 26, 2011 at 9:12am — 33 Comments

Best ever, in Riley's eyes!

Riley, doesn't really care what I am eating.  But, if I go near the Reser's terriyaki sticks he is all over me.  He will not quit till he gets the last bite of the stick.  Wondering why he has gained .5lb recently?  Do you think it maybe the terriyaki sticks?  I really think it is the Oriental in him, somehow that doesn't compute.  But, must of abdapted to our culture around here.

Added by Charles Rocheville on February 20, 2011 at 1:19pm — 5 Comments

Doodle adjusts to us, not what they would rather do!!

Riley is not even two yet. He has so much energy.  But he has toned it down, because we are not all that active.  In that I mean we don't  walk him.  Don't give him open spaces to run and do his thing.  He has adjusted and seems perfectly fine with our home and life style.  At 8:30 am this morning he barked to be let out of his crate.  Aired, and I went back to watching my dvd.  He slept on my lap for two hours.  Christina, called and wanted to know if I wanted to meet her at an indoor dog…


Added by Charles Rocheville on January 16, 2011 at 1:50pm — 3 Comments

Doodle Rescue Mission

Picture of the event of a flight of mercy. These two dogs were in a shelter in Ontario, Or. Brad, the pilot with his plane flew from Portland to Ontario, Or. to bring them back to Portland on his own time and expense! I just met the plane, and have them overnight. To be picked up tomorrow morning by their foster dad. They are both great dogs with unfortunate events that happened… Continue

Added by Charles Rocheville on January 8, 2011 at 9:22pm — 17 Comments


Have three Doodles that look alike/similar .  They are golden and labradoodles.  The similarity is uncanny.  Looking for pictures of similar dogs.  Have to have white chins, white markings on chest optional.  Mini is the size requirement.

Added by Charles Rocheville on December 23, 2010 at 7:00pm — 9 Comments

Just little things that make you laugh!

My leaf rake, just a cheap plastic headed one had fallen to the ground. With the help of my neighbors tons of leaves had covered it up entirely. Riley, was out for a peaceful cruising of the yard. Somehow he stepped on one end of it, and the other end came flying up. I have never seen a little dog jump so high from a standing position. I swear he went three feet in the air! Ran about ten feet, and turned to look to see what the heck had just happend. I still laugh thinking about it.

Added by Charles Rocheville on December 6, 2010 at 8:20pm — 6 Comments

Must be locked up at night

Riley is accustomed to being locked up in his wire crate at night. Occassionally, I will just put him in his room and shut the door. It isn't too long before he is barking and putting up a fuss. He has to be put in his crate with door shut, before all is right with his world. Go figure!

Added by Charles Rocheville on December 4, 2010 at 5:15pm — 10 Comments

Standing Guard

The other night I let Riley out for his nightly duties. We have a spot light that lights up most of the deck and yard. He went to the back edge of our deck and detected a critter in the unlit area behind the garage. There was about a distance of 15 feet between where he was and the unknown assailant lurked. He stopped in his tracks, and growled at the unknown critter. I was in the house, but watching his moves thru the French doors. It was a standoff. I don't know if it was a cat, raccoon or… Continue

Added by Charles Rocheville on November 18, 2010 at 1:30pm — 6 Comments


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