Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The teenagers are home today.

Somehow that always puts me in mind of Paul Revere's Ride and want to shout, "The Teenagers are Coming! The Teenagers are Coming!" While generally they are pleasant lads... they do come with some baggage...mainly in the way of noisiness, large quantities of food consumption and messes.

Truthfully though, I enjoy having my kids home and actually look forward to their days off from school.  I am as excited about the countdown to summer vacation as they are, even as I have to continue to crack the whip and robotically repeat over and over, "Is your homework done?"

The only downside to their vacation days is they never seem to coincide with my vacation days.  That would be because unless I physically leave this house and go far, far away to a place with 24 hour maid and food service, I don't get any vacation days. I know many of you can relate to this reality that comes with the blessings (and I do mean BLESSINGS) of having a home to maintain and a family to feed and clothe.  

To say that housework is like shoveling snow in a snowstorm might be some of the truest words ever spoken.

Today was no exception...

There was laundry to be folded and put away.

There were beds to be made (in all their pink cuteness).

There is this disaster that needs to be dealt with by one of the aforementioned teenagers.  Did I tell you they are messy? 

I just closed the door...

And then there is the small issue of my sons thinking that somewhere in this house lives Alice (from the Brady Bunch- I know, I'm dating myself) who will be coming along shortly to clean up this mess and shoo the little scamps outside so they can throw the football around and end up breaking Marsha's nose.

Luckily, just when it seemed there would be no choice but to give into the demands of everyday life...

...there was this face...

...just begging to get outdoors...

...silently pleading for a romp in the sunshine...

...asking for nothing more than to get out of this house and have a change of scenery.

And wouldn't you know? That was just what I needed to!

So, instead of looking at piles of laundry, dirty dishes and unmade beds.... I got to see this:

Thank you, Rooney Booney Boo.

At least I have one child who knows what Mom needs. ;)

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Comment by Donna K & Quincy on May 25, 2012 at 6:47pm

I like the way you think and who could say no to that face. I have been guilty on more than one occassion of ignoring a messy house and going out with the doodle instead. Now that I have retired I expect I will have a much neater house, just as soon as I finish purging all the junk. I have five garbage bags full of things to donate sitting waiting to be dropped off, I have already thrown away and given away an enormous amt of junk stuff. I even unloaded a large hammock with frame on the guys that delivered my new sofa. I had to make room for the new swing lounger that I am getting for me and the dood. I refuse to stay inside on sunny days and now save my cleaning for the rainy ones.

Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on May 25, 2012 at 6:34pm

That face would get me outside, too! (Of course, I don't need an excuse not to do housework, lol!)

I think dogs are always more concerned with our needs than human kids are.


Comment by F, Calla & Luca on May 25, 2012 at 6:25pm

Great photos, gorgeous scenery. I do think Ms. pink bedroom is 7, time to make her own bed : ) Never too early, or late, to teach them to fold laundry and put them in their crates if they don't clean up! What a wise doodle.


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