Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

No, she didn't eat the DVD, or the DVD case, if that's what you're expecting (not that anyone would be shocked!). It's winter time, and much like Callie, I've found that I put on a bit of a winter coat. However, I don't think mine (which is made of ice cream and cheese) is nearly as cute as her furry locks. Callie and I walk a lot, but I decided that I need to start doing pilates again to try and tone myself out of the extra padding. So tonight I was doing my formerly fave pilates dvd and Callie decided that she couldn't BEAR for me to be on the floor and not paying attention to her. For about 10 minutes, she was pretty good...she just was hanging out in her bed, chewing her kosher dog stuffed animal. Then, really out of nowhere, she just took a flying leap onto my belly, right towards the end of the pilates 100 (if you don't do pilates, this position has me on my back, with my head, arms, and legs all lifted off the ground...not an awesome position for having a 40lb furry monster land on you!). I hit the ground, hit pause, got her settled back down for most of the upper body series. The real fun came with the abdominal series...most of the time my head, shoulders, and legs are in the air and Callie kept coming and pushing her toy against my butt until it squeaked (the toy, not my tush!). Then she came around and started to lick my face. Then, when in a V-sit position, she came over and started to bite my toes. What a little stinker. At that point I gave up (it was the last move, so all I really gave up was the cool down) and gave her my full attention. Turns out that she didn't need water, food, or to go out. She wanted me to throw the squeaky tennis ball down the stairs, over and over and over. She and I are going to have to come to an understanding about this...sometimes I need to exercise more than my legs (walking) or one arm (throwing)!

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Comment by Linda,Yankee & Finn on January 21, 2010 at 8:40pm
I can't lay on the floor at all without getting licked to death. It's just a whole lotta love!
Comment by Tante & Jordan & now Annie! on January 21, 2010 at 8:22pm
I when I work out Jordan is right there...licking, putting her paws on the mat,bringing me the ball.The cats do it do. Why is that?


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