Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am back!  On my lunch break and thought I would pop in and say hi to my DK friends.  I started back to work yesterday and it's going well.  On Tuesday (day before start day), I thought I was going to die. I cried  Literally, DH handed me a glass of wine and said "honey I am sorry I don't make enough money for you to stay home, but you've got to chill out"!  HA!  Anyway, I've worked in my job for 8 years and love it and of course, after one day back, I, personally, am adjusting quite well.


Unfortunately, Charlotte slept only 1.5 hours all day yesterday, which is much shorter than her usual 3 1-2 hour naps when she's at home with me....but there's no other kids and distractions when she is home!  Plus she didn't sleep well the night before - I think she picked up on my nerves and was up from 12-4 am (good lordie I thought I was going to die). Last night was great, so I am hoping she is doing much better today.


Here are some pics from Christmas time. Unfortunately, every time Peri would be right next to her and I would get the camera out, she would move!  Silly doodle!  Peri still loves her little sis and comes and gets me when she is crying, licks her all over, etc...  Now Taquito generally ignores her - he just doesn't like this new person vying for mom's attention :)  He's doing okay though..a few snaps...but okay :)


Charlotte is 3.5 months old and is so fun now. I hate that I only see her before and after work, but let's face it, most moms have to work these days. Life is just too expensive on one income.  She will turn out fine I am sure!


Hope y'all are well! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Comment by Lonnie & Libby Lu on January 7, 2013 at 9:15am

Charlotte is beautiful and she will be fine and so will Mom, but I totally understand your feelings:) 

Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on January 6, 2013 at 4:24pm

I remember the first day I went back to work after our older DD was born.  Because she was a premi I stayed home her first 5 months.  When I dropped at day care if she had whimpered even the tiniest of whimpers I don't think I would have gone back.  That was almost 30 years ago and she turned out fine.

Thanks for posting new pictures.  Charlotte has got to be the most photogenic baby I have ever seen. 

Comment by Sue & Lily Grace on January 5, 2013 at 1:25pm
She is precious with gorgeous eyes. All will turn out fine.
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on January 5, 2013 at 12:59pm

OMD she's sooooo cute!  I was home with our daughters when they were little, but when Tim came along I was back to work and only took a couple of months off for maternity leave.  I remember how hard it was at first, but then we got into the swing of things and it was fine.  Thanks for checking in...I've missed you.

Comment by Leigh & Allie on January 5, 2013 at 12:37pm
Yea!!!! It sounds like everything is going well with you! Charlotte is absolutely gorgeous and a gift from God! She is a very happy little girl!
Comment by Theresa & Duncan on January 5, 2013 at 7:02am
Charlotte is a beautiful little girl!
Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on January 4, 2013 at 2:13pm

I can't believe she is 3.5 months already! She is just an adorable little angel! What a sweet little 4 legged helper you have with Peri!  And Taquito...well, it's tough being tiny...:)

Comment by Nicky, Riley & Boris on January 4, 2013 at 4:22am

I remember this feeling well, and those nights when you haven't slept and have to get up for work LOL Charlotte is gorgeous and it's lovely to seeing her beautiful face.  Keep in touch when you can and keep posting those baby pics...If you can get Peri in too that would be great but if not no worries.  Happy New Year to you and your lovely family.

Comment by Lynn D. on January 3, 2013 at 9:58pm

Oh! She is so precious! I just wanna kiss her cheeks.

Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on January 3, 2013 at 8:29pm

Charlotte is absolutely gorgeous, and I'm sure she will be just fine! And so will you! You will never be one of those moms who can't wait for her kids to leave her alone/go to school/go to camp/grow up/move out, lol!  Your time together will always mean a lot to both of you.

Happy New Year and hugs to all of you!


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