Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, unfortunately, it is not good news. I brought my little "squirt" to my vet today and we found a sizeable cleft palate. But she is still very active and healthy-looking despite a lack of weight gain, so we decided to look into some solutions rather than just euthanizing her. One of the vet techs there raises kittens and has saved several squirrels using tube feeding and was very anxious to take "Squirt" on for a few days to see if she could get her weight up. (For free! I have such nice friends around here!) If she improves, we will cross the next bridge of teaching me how to tube feed. She has a special nipple that may help also and if that works, i don't have to use the tube.

There is a surgical specialist nearby that the vet called today about repairing the palate at the age of three months, and his charge was not so crazy that it isn't worth doing. So, I may have a very busy three months keeping this puppy healthy until the surgery can be done.  I'm up for it though! She has impressed me with her spunk! If she makes it past this weekend and is growing, we will give it a shot--I can take her up to the surgeon for evaluation in a few weeks. 

My daughter, who will be a vet in a few months, used to run a sheep farm and saved several very tiny lambs by bottle feeding them herself. All four made it to adulthood (she kept them and took them to vet school with her) and they turned out to be lovely sheep and all have since had babies of their own. So, there is hope!

The rest of the puppies are so fat and happy! The milk came in today and they are very satisfied. Lyric feels great and is romping around the yard during her "breaks"--she got a nice warm shower today and feels like a new bitch! LOL! I will post new pictures as soon as i can find my camera. I seem to have misplaced it---hmmmm, maybe I need more sleep.

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Comment by Donna K & Quincy on January 9, 2011 at 5:59pm
So sorry that the little one didn't make it, I guess it wasn't meant to be. I know you are sad she is gone, but you did what you could to help her. Enjoy those other little ones.
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on January 9, 2011 at 5:52pm
I just read this post for an update on Squirt. So sorry to read that she passed. RIP, little one. Good luck with the rest of those beautiful pups.
Comment by Candy & Hudson on January 8, 2011 at 8:57pm

Sorry to hear about little squirt, but I'm glad you are enjoying the other pups. Seeing those tiny faces would bring a smile to anyone!! Can't wait to see more pictures of all those little doods :)

Comment by sandy b on January 6, 2011 at 2:53pm
Ginny, I'm so sorry to hear about Squirt's passing. You did everything you could and you had precious time together. Glad to hear the boys are doing well and enjoy your time with them.
Comment by Melissa & Porter on January 6, 2011 at 1:50pm

I am so sorry Squirt passed, but I am glad her short life was so lovely and you should be proud of giving her that. 

Congratulations again on those fat boys.  My doodle was a fat boy :-)

I totally sympathize with Lyric.  When I was breastfeeding, especially the first few months, I ate ridiculous amounts of food.  I used to joke that the La Leche League doesn't factor in the expense of mommy-food when they promote breastfeeding as money-saving.

Comment by Ginny Nightingale on January 6, 2011 at 1:26pm

Today is a much better day--As expected, Squirt did not make it through the night. She passed peacefully on a warm blanket at around 2 am. It was sad, but I wa sure it was coming, so I was prepared and had my crying all over with by then.

I am moving on and enjoying the little fatties --and Lyric can sense my more calm behavior as well, I am sure. I tried to be extremely normal and calm when in the room with her, but I am sure that some of the anxiety was coming through. The pups just eat and sleep (and GROW!) so Lyric seems to be able to time her breaks now. Once the boys are all passed out from full tummies, she comes trotting out for a romp outside or to beg for food. She is sooo hungry!

We have finally achieved the fun that is what this experience is supposed to be like and I am enjoying it. I just want to thank all of you for your support. I live in a quiet rural area with few neighbors and it is just my hubby and I here in the house. So, it can be very isolating.  I really appreciate all the kind words--they were certainly helpful each day as I tried to figure out want to do. We have truly established a community here. Thanks DK-ers!

Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on January 6, 2011 at 11:02am
Ginny, so sorry about little squirt.  Hopefully all those plump boys will help ease her loss.
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on January 6, 2011 at 5:21am
Ginny, I'm so sorry.  I just looked at your page and saw "little squirt's" picture.  So sad to see a precious little one going to the Rainbow Bridge, but you certainly did everything possible for her and she knew love during her short time her.
Comment by BG and Gavin on January 6, 2011 at 4:52am
I guess as you said it was not met to be.  You certainly gave her every chance and in her short time she was able to teach you some things which will be with you always.  Please go enjoy and care for your precious little boys and lovely Lyric.
Comment by Taylor & Huff on January 5, 2011 at 9:02pm
I am so sorry to hear that.:( I hope that all the rest of those little puppies and Lyric all have long and happy lives. What if little Squirt seems stronger in the morning? Will you still take her to get euthanized?


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