I, Talullah Frances Doodle, do hereby resolve to get a part time job so I can replace the thousands of dollars worth of Mom's shoes I've eaten over the past two years.
And all that shoe-eating wasn't even to spite her for making me wear this ridiculous tutu. I did it because... because... because... I COULD. AND I'D DO IT AGAIN. And I won't ever, never, everagain eat her shoes, especially the ones that are out of production and impossible to replace. Unless she doesn't put them away. I promise.
1. NOT to live up to his name.
2. To never bite his loving family ever again (no matter how excited he is). I may have helped with coming up with this one. But he shook on it !!!
Tucker told me that he resolves to some how keep me from wasting my money in the pet shop on all those toys that he destroys in less than 15 minutes. He also promises to leave the cushions on the sofa, but pleas not to put the pillow back because they are just irrestible and he doesn't think he can keep that resolution. He crosses his heart and says that each morning when I am busy on Doolde Kisses that he will stop looking for things to chew up and he will play with his toys! I told him that I thought this was an excellent New Year;s resolution. Then he said= so what is your New Year's Resolution- and I said, to spend more time with YOU.
Thule's Resolutions (as forced upon her by Momma Adina):
"I Thu .. thu...Thuuule (*whimper, whimper, whimper*).... Mom do I have to?
"... hereby promise (*crosses paws*)..."
I SAW THAT THULE. Now let's start over:
"I, Thule Pearson, here...here...(sniff, sniff) hereby PromiseToLimitMyLicksOfAllPeopleIncludingTheBaby...(deeeeeep breath)...to only their bald heads (that doesn't leave too many people!!!) and WillOnlyLickThemOncePerHourOrLess!" *Sigh* ... *scurries off to crate to sulk*.
Okay now...Rosco...your turn!
OoooKay...Momma :-D I'll do my bestest.
I, Rosco, promise to try my bestest to hurumph quietly instead of bark. Even when people walk within 100 yards of our house, sidewalk or door...I will try to only bark one moderately loud bark and then just make softer noises when Mommy or Daddy say "quiet Rosco!" Was that good Momma? Was that Good?
(sheepish grin) oooops...sorry Momma :-(
Okay... 3:55 pm and already Tori has managed to break "Resolution #2"... She just ran off with my slipper... guess I'll be putting the pictures (as evidence) on my page....
Tori's resolutions:
1) to learn to brush my OWN hair - and frequently
2) no more stealing things and running under the dining room table
3) to stop tearing apart my bed and....
4) to begin asking fro a playmate
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