I know that a lot of you read the updates on Doodles that are in foster homes - from Joanne, Krista, Lucy & Sophies Mom, Nina and others.
There are just too many doodles in kill shelters that could be saved if they had a temporary home to go to. You have to understand that they may have forgotten their potty manners, if they ever had them; they may be scared due to being in so many different places to live in such a short time; may be so under weight that they need fattening up; but most of all they need love.
We can help you with all the technical issues like potty training and weight gain. We need your hope. We need your love. We need your heart. We don't expect you to foster forever. Most of our doodles are fostered for 2 weeks or less. And when we are able to get the doodle to a full time foster we will do so.
Go to your doodle now. Ask him/her if you think you should save another doodle just temporarily and I think you will get your answer.
The experience is rewarding. Not only for your heart but sometimes for your own doodle. Learning from other dogs that have nothing is very valuable. And your doodle may enjoy the company and new person in the house.
Doodles in need don't ask for much............just your love and hope. Would you please share your love and hope for doodles today?
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