Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey doods and doodettes, Peri here!


It's been a while since I've popped in and a lots been goin' on at my house recently.  First of all, last week every day this truck would pull up to our house in the morning and stay all day while mom and dad were at work.  I heard mom say they were "painting the trim".  Well, that means I got to bark my head off at them all day long.  The last day they were there, diddy accidentally set that buzzing thing (they call it the alarm) - but the painters had to get inside dood and the alarm went off and next thing I know men in black uniforms are their with sirens.  Dood!  What happened!???  That was enough excitement for me.  When mom and dad got home, I was pooped from barking. Dood I gotta protect Taquito and the house!


Lately I've been getting a lot of car rides with mom.  She always puts the harness on me, which I like. But she lets me have enough room to sit closer to her in the middle of the back seat.  I love car rides with mom.  This fall weather is my favorite doods and doodettes!  This was on the way to the park to take a hike.  I love hikes.



This week Taquito has not been feeling good.  He has had poop problems and mom came home yesterday and stepped in it and she said a bad word and I ran around the house and Taquito went to his crate.  I told mom he did it,not me!  My tummy has been hurting too and it's because I like the grass outside.  Mom warned me - Taquito copied me. His stomach isn't has strong as mine. Mom says I have a "stomach of steel".  Here's a picture of Tacky "sunning" in the backyard on Saturday - I think he had eaten some grass and that's why he's smiling.



Anyhoo, today was the BEST day so far.  Mom came home for a walk during lunch.  Then guess who came?  Miss Teri, the lady that raised me with my momma.  Mom keeps in touch with her and she was selling a big table and chairs - mom and dad rearranged some furniture and said the dining rooms going to be nicer now.  So dood guess who brought the table?  Miss Teri!!! She's the one I see every few months when we do romps.  I did everything I could to contain myself, but what's a dood to do?  I kept my bottom down the whole time except once when Miss Teri's husband came in and I had to jump up to make sure it was him.


The best news is that I heard mom say "see you Saturday" when they left. Now I know Saturday means mom and dad will be at home (it's not a work day!) and I also heard the word "ROMP" and doods you all know what that means..... DOODLE ROMP TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!  I get to see my other momma and my boyfriend ASTRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'll get mom to post photos from that.


Toodles for now doods and doodettes. How have your falls been???


Your friend Lady Peri

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Comment by Suzann, Rosey & Bandit on October 19, 2011 at 9:04pm
Lady Peri you are one lucky girl!! We can't wait to hear about your date with Astro, he is a handsome fella!!  Tell Tacky that grass will only bring gas and upset tummies;(
Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on October 19, 2011 at 10:20am
Hey, Lady P! It sounds like you are having a fabulous fall!! Alarms, car rides, hikes! It doesn't get much better than THAT!!   I hope your little brother is feeling better today and have a great time at the Doodle Romp!!!
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on October 19, 2011 at 8:05am
Hey, Peri, it's good to see you! Sounds like things have been really exciting at your house! Have a great time at the romp!
Comment by Yvonne N on October 19, 2011 at 6:20am
Cannot wait to see you Saturday xoxoxoxox from your big hunkahunka red dog...ASTRO
Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on October 19, 2011 at 6:02am
You have a very busy life!! Saturday sounds good, I hope you heard right and are not disappointed!!!!! Have fun!
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on October 19, 2011 at 5:14am
Lady Peri, it sounds like you're having THE BEST Fall ever!
Comment by Bonnie and Kona on October 18, 2011 at 10:43pm
What a fun blog, Peri! It sounds like you have had a very, very busy week!
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on October 18, 2011 at 8:56pm
Good to hear from you Lady P. Your mom and dad are finding out that home ownership can be so much fun. Hope everyone is well for the romp.
Comment by BG and Gavin on October 18, 2011 at 8:47pm
Looking good LP and Tacky too!  Too bad your mom stepped in poo.  Have fun at your romp Saturday!  Your pal, Gavin
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on October 18, 2011 at 7:51pm
Peri, you are an awesome dood to protect your  home and Taquito.  I guess, though, you need to set a better example for the little guy by NOT eating the grass when he can see you. Enjoy your ROMP!


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