Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What a week it was! Monday the 16th was bonding day for Tom, Mater and Gus. When I went to work, they went to the park and then played in the yard. Gus sticks close to Tom and Mater admits to being a little jealous. The Humane Society said that Gus wasn't interested in balls, but Tom have found differently! Mater loves to leap high in the air to catch a ball, but Gus loves it even more! Tom say's Gus is a "fetching fool"! Mater taught Gus about how much fun it is to leap in the air to catch the water that Tom squirts from the hose too. They played in the yard and went to the park every day early in the week. The two dogs walk in a perfect brace and are so cute together.

I can't help but think what stories they would tell if they could talk to each other. When they lay down with their heads together I can just see Mater telling of the excitement of friends at his obedience and agility classes, of Doodle Romps, visits to the lake and great swimming. He would tell Gus about being a therapy dog and visiting the adult day care center where people sometimes seem a little strange but he still makes them smile. And his own favorite place to go where the kids are in therapy for losing someone they loved; Mater adores playing with them and they wear him out! They hold the hula hoop while he jumps through over and over again, then he spins and crawls and rolls over, and then a whole new group comes in and it starts all over again! Mater would tell Gus about being a movie star for Mighty Dog Nation and how much work it was to make a short dogumentary! But the opening night party was so fun it was all worth it. Mater's favorite thing was riding in the limousine with his head out the window and everyone waving at him!

Then Gus would tell Mater about eating out of garbage cans and getting yelled at because he dumped them over. About running away from cars and other dogs, spending the nights curled up in a field of corn and drinking dirty water from an irrigation ditch. Maybe Gus would even tell about catching rabbits or field mice when he was really hungry. But somewhere in there Gus also has a story of being loved once. He knows to be still and let a brush stroke his fur, and not to lift his leg in the house. He knows 'sit' and he walks in a heel position like he's done it allot, even though the word 'heel' may not mean much. He doesn't like riding in cars very well and gets anxious during the ride, but he does love to smell the smells with his nose out the window.

Wednesday Gus went to the vet for his tests and got lots of shots, but he didn't seem to mind. Mater went with him to keep him company, and it seemed he was more relaxed and grateful for that. Then Wednesday night he went to obedience school with Mater. It was too advanced for him to participate, but he watched and worked a little on heel and sit. He was a bit overwhelmed by all of the dogs. Mater has lots of doodle friends at class, and since he's like the class clown the party starts when he arrives. Gus wasn't sure what to think. He was okay with some dogs, but a little aggressive with others - no apparent rhyme or reason to which dogs it was. On the way there he had growled at little white dogs taking walks down the street, so maybe he doesn't like them? Hard to say now in the first week. But also I think all of the dogs at class and in the kennels probably reminded him of the Humane Society and being in dog prison. I guess it's no wonder he was confused and didn't know if he should be scared or happy.

After class a group of friends went for ice cream. There were two white golden doodles, a golden retriever, a miniature Australian Labradoodle and Mater and Gus. Each of them got a whole custard cone all his own - and Gus loved it! Being with friends was fun and Gus liked the smaller group.

Then Thursday wasn't such a good day. He had to start his heartworm treatments, and we also learned why he is so skinny - Guardia, tapeworm and hookworm. Poor Gus - living the lonely life on the road sure took a toll on his health. But he's working on getting well now! When Tom left him to stay the night at the clinic for his second heartworm shot on Friday, Gus thought he was back in prison again! Then the veterinarian assistants came and loved on him and settled him down. Plus he hurt allot where he had the first shot.

He had his second shot on Friday and then came home Friday night. You can tell he hurts from the shots, but he is eating well and has healthy stools. He gets his medication in a peanut butter sandwich and thinks that's the best! We got him an orthopedic pad to rest on, since his back and rear legs ache from the injections. Keeping him in the crate is too stressful for him (he doesn't like it at all), so he just lies around the house wherever Tom is.

Looking at him know, we tease that his name is Gustavus Maximus - with a middle name Houdini (the Humane Society said he climbed their fences, he got out of the crate here without opening a door, and he'll sneak out any small opening that has something he wants on the other side!) Gus, just because he's Gus. Maximus because he is skin and bones at 67 lbs and has the biggest feet I've ever seen on a dog! Since he's only about 1-1/2 years old and sick, we figure he'll easily be 90 lbs as a healthy adult and possibly more. But he's the sweetest hunk of dog. And he smiles! When either of us gets home, he smiles the cutest happy grin to see us!

Fostering has more challenges than we expected (he is our first foster), but the rewards far outweigh any other adjustments. Mater is doing great now and even missed Gus when he as at the hospital. (When Gus came home, Mater offered one of his favorite balls to Gus!) This is going to be a memorable time for us all.

More to come at the end of week #2

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Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on August 26, 2010 at 5:31pm
Hi Mater!
Mom read us your story about Gus. Charli and I think you are a wonderful doodle buddy for Gus! With the stories you both are sharing you have learned fast that every dog doesn't have a great life like we do but with humans like you parents there is one less doodle dog living on the street, hungry and very sick.
We both thank you for sharing your story with us - Charli and I feel very lucky to have found our Mom as I am sure you are too.
We can't wait until Mom reads us your next blog on how you and Gus are doing!
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on August 26, 2010 at 1:54pm
I love the name "Gus". I always think of the little rolly polly, mischievous mouse in Cinderella, Gus Gus! I called Lucy Gus Gus as a puppy because she had a big ole puppy tummy! Sophie was the Princess and Lucy was Gus Gus! Hopefully someday your Gus will have a big ole Gus Gus tummy too! Sounds like he is in wonderful hands. What a treat for your first foster! Thanks so much for taking on the challenge! Will look forward to your next update.
Comment by Penny, Comiskey & Beemer on August 26, 2010 at 1:18pm
What a wonderful story...I am sure Gus has shared with Mater how grateful he is to be in such a loving home....blessings...
Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on August 26, 2010 at 11:23am
What a wonderful post. Thanks so much for sharing.
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on August 26, 2010 at 10:45am
Loved reading this blog. Thank you for sharing about your first foster.
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on August 26, 2010 at 9:26am
I am so filled with gratitude that people like you and Tom exist in this world, Kathy. Taking on a heartworm positive, parasite infested dog for your first foster is the stuff rescue legends are made of.
Your imagined conversation between Mater & Gus is so poignant and moving. Gus is one lucky doodle to have been rescued by you and Tom.
Blessings on every soul under your roof.
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on August 26, 2010 at 8:06am
What a story. How wonderful that Gus and Mater get along well. And the stories you imagined for them are so poignant. You and your husband are doing such a goo job and good deed.
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on August 26, 2010 at 7:51am
I don't even know what to say. You and your DH are such special people. When I think of what Gus has been through and is still going through....yet he can still smile and love. There are so many lessons in these stories. Thank you again for all you're doing for Gus and for your willingness to share this experience with us. I wish I could give you a HUGE hug right now.


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