Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


When we first got Fudge and she was still a little puppy, I had big dreams of volunteering with her at the Assisted Living Facility where I volunteer. The breeder assured me she was the calmest dog in the litter, and if by calm she meant reactive to every living thing that moves, then I would agree. Before I got too carried away, I decided to take her over to the Assisted Living place and see how she did.  My good friend is the receptionist there and calls herself Fudge and Vern’s aunt, except she wants to be called Aunt Ciocia (Polish for aunt) or something. I have trouble remembering the correct pronunciation, so we sometimes change it to Aunt CooCoo, but regardless of what we call her, my dogs love her. Well, the first person we see when we walk in the door is Aunt CooCoo and she is so excited about seeing Fudge that Fudge goes nuts. Remember she was a very young puppy and before I could stop her, she jumped up on the desk, knocked over a few pencils, and launched herself into Aunt CooCoo’s lap. I have never had a Therapy dog before, but I knew enough to know this was not how most of them acted in a public place.


I explained that we were in the process of ironing out a few kinks, but they just kept saying stuff like, “the elderly don’t like to be startled.” I assured them that we planned on doing lots more training with Fudge, but my friend still suggested I come back at a later date. I think she said to return after she retired.


Well, jump to today. Usually, Vern and Fudge go to the dog sitter on Wednesday.  Once the dog sitter arrives to take them to her house, Vern, or Benedict Arnold, as I like to call him, forgets all about me. He loves to go with her and just stares at her like he is thinking, “Get me out of here NOW!”  She says all he wants to do at her house is watch her cat, but I think she is throwing me a bone (so to speak).  I am Fudge’s favorite person in the world and she is happy to see the pet sitter, but always lets me know I am still her first choice. Today, I decided to take her again to the Assisted Living Facility.


What a difference a couple of years and some training made with Fudge. Fudge was amazing and the residents loved her. She had no problem with wheelchairs or walkers, and was calm and loving.  They have birds in a large cage in the lobby and Fudge was interested in them, but she did not over react and listened when I told her to leave it.  I was concerned about the birds, because I knew I wasn’t strong enough to move that cage by myself if we ran into a problem.  I also know from past experience that the residents would not help. They come up with all kinds of excuses….”I am 93….I’m in a wheelchair….I just had my hip replaced,” to get out of helping. Anyway, no help was needed and Fudge made me very proud. One resident told me she had never pet a dog before EVER and loved how soft Fudge was and I told her to start finding a dog to pet every day!!  Another resident who keeps dog treats in her wheelchair was feeding treats to Fudge like she was a slot machine.  I told her to slow down before Fudge popped and make her earn her treat with a trick, and all she said to Fudge was "Smile" and gave her another treat and then she smiled. Fudge liked her a lot!! I saw a whole new side to Fudge today… she was just so kind and affectionate to all the residents that approached her, that even Aunt CooCoo said we could come back.

Fudge, My Sweet Volunteer:

Vern, aka Benedict Arnold:

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Comment by Carol and Banjo on May 25, 2011 at 7:14pm sounds like you were the star of the day!!!!   I have a feeling you brought alot of sunshine into many lives today.   Laurie, you should be very proud!!!!
Comment by Jennifer and Jack on May 25, 2011 at 7:13pm
Awwwwww I think Jack is related to Benedict Arnold too!!  Good Job Fudge


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