Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Daisy had a grooming appointment on Thursday. Nothing special just the same old drop off and pick up, bath, trim, brush. However this time we were changing the person that was doing the grooming as her regular Sarah had left the business.

I was a bit nervous (I know you all know the feeling with new groomers) but I really like the place, they don't crate, it's in an actual home, on my way to work and close enough to run and get her when they are done.Daisy always seems to do okay there, drop off is just a little bit of stomping her feet and digging in her heels when we go through the door. That is not unusual for her. This time however was much different.

We pulled into the driveway and she sat up and looked, I kept my voice light and cheery, "ok Daisy time to go for your grooming", got out of the car and opened the back hatch, got her out of her seatbelt harness and she dashed back to the middle seat (I leave one back down so she can see me)...hmm, what's up with that? I coaxed her out of the middle seat, hooked up her leash and practically had to drag her out of the car.

They have a ramp along the house to walk up, she acted as if she were walking the plank, of course by now I am starting to get a little anxious, wondering what the doodle was going on and even more so thinking what the doodle went on the last time she was here?

Well we made it to and through the front door and then she stopped, would not budge. Come on Daisy, "neat" (the word we use for heal), she finally did that but when I took a step she was not going! What the heck?

After much prodding and pulling and pushing I did manage to get her through the baby gate, she whined and fussed. I spoke to her new groomer who was of course very sweet and reassuring about what I liked and didn't like all the while Daisy is sitting next to her getting pet.

I left with a heavy heart, determined to end this and just figure out how to groom myself. I was so upset on the way to work. I was going on the internet to see if anyone offered grooming lessons. I was certain she would never have to go through that again.

Fast forward 2 -1/2 hours later and I got the call she was ready, WOW that was fast. I was sure she just did the bare minimum and that Daisy was going to look like a poodle or worse, not because Natalie (the groomer) couldn't do a good job but because she wanted to be done with this big old baby. Well surprise was on me. Daisy has never ever looked better. She looks soooooooooooooo good. I am 100% satisfied. Natalie assured me she was a very good girl, no trouble at all.

I am still struggling with why she behaved this very odd way but I totally love how she looks and she was her normal old self when I got her. I told my DD about it and she said to me "Mom, it's not like Daisy is ever left anywhere, she is a big baby that never wants to be left behind." She is right ya know but I really don't see that changing!

Here is her TaDa moment.

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Comment by Christine & Shelby on November 17, 2012 at 6:29pm
She looks great.... To bad there was so much drama.... It would have been a challenge for me too.
Comment by Linda, Webber and Seda on November 17, 2012 at 5:18pm

She looks fabulous!

Comment by Leigh & Allie on November 17, 2012 at 5:04pm
Absolutely gorgeous! I am trying a new groomer next month, so I will be there with you. The new groomer is a mobile groomer though, so we will see.
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 17, 2012 at 4:47pm

Daisy looks fantastic. Lisa, I had the same thing happen with my dogs. It started with Fudge. She used to be fine going to the groomer and then started not wanting to get out of the car. She actually sits looking forward like maybe if she doesn't look at me, I can't see her.  Sometimes, she shakes. Vern, on the other hand, always seemed surprised when we walked in like he was thinking, "oh, I remember this place now."  Now, he has started acting less than thrilled to go. Well, the bottom line is they have to go, because I am not grooming them and I know and trust my groomer. I guess they would just prefer to stay with us. Daisy sure looks pretty!!

Comment by Karen & Lucy on November 17, 2012 at 4:18pm

I think Daisy looks fantastic.  I wouldn't hesitate taking her back there at all.  My Lucy acts like the biggest baby ever and she goes to the same place all the time.  She actually jumps up on me and wraps her legs around me and will not let go.  I have to just take her in and run back out.  After I am gone she is always good.  They are just so funny.

Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on November 17, 2012 at 3:32pm

That is the other thing, she is softer than ever, she must have used magic on her - haha

When we went back to work she wouldn't stay in the office with me, instead she stayed right outside my door and gave me the stink was actually funny.

Daisy has no issues with us brushing and combing her, DH does her ears every other week. She truly is a good girl, I just have no idea how to do it.

Comment by F, Calla & Luca on November 17, 2012 at 3:19pm

Daisy does look beautiful and so pettable :-) 

Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on November 17, 2012 at 3:09pm

Daisy looks great!  The groomer did a really nice job! Who knows what goes through their doodle minds!  Sometimes it's for real and sometimes I think they get moody ... just like little children... except they speak a different language!  It makes it hard to figure out.  

Comment by Doris on November 17, 2012 at 3:05pm

What a beautiful cut!!  Bodi has difficulty separating from me also.  Last night my DH and I went out.  My son is home from college and said Bodi was running to the window to look for me everytime he heard a car go by.  Poor doodle - he doesn't want to leave his mama!

Comment by Joanne ~ Spud* on November 17, 2012 at 3:03pm

Daisy looks really nice. I like that she did not cut the ears and snout the same way. LIKE.  

Lisa, Spud runs and  drags his feet, in his own house when I get out a brush. Then he rolls over, growls ( not a mean growl but his complain growl).  Bring the brush close, he lets out a complaining low volume bark. Waa Waa

I can bush and clean his ears, back, neck, but touch those legs and he cries like a baby. 

She looks Great! But hey, if you take a grooming class, let me know.


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