Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Finnegan turns 3 on Saturday.  I guess that makes him a “20-something” in human years.  Impossible.  It just doesn’t seem that long ago that this fuzzy blond puppy took over my life and heart.

When this picture showed up in my e-mail, I knew this was my guy!  Turns out the people that bought him changed their mind, so while all his brothers and sister went to their new families, "yellow" boy was left behind. ROAD TRIP!  Now, 3 years later, I figured out that I’ve kissed that fuzzy head more than 10,000 times and I thank those people for not wanting Finn.


I wish I had rekindled my interest in photography sooner.  Maybe I would have been able to capture the gold dust that glistened on his puppy coat in the sun or the deep blue butterflies that appeared every summer morning those first few months as I drank my coffee and Finn happily played on the deck, splashing in his pool and wrestling his stuffed toys to the ground. (Photo on left is NOT FInn. Not my photo :)

From the get-go, Finnegan went everywhere with me. That may have been a mistake because today I can’t go anywhere without him.  I should have known because when I first met him, a group of teenagers were there and when one boy left, Finn laid at the door with his head on his BIG furry paws and whimpered.  I said  “Oh, he must really like that boy.” The breeder laughed and said “Are you kidding? He’s never met that boy before – he does that when anyone leaves.” That’s Finnegan. Separation anxiety over strangers!!  Geesh!


I thought I’d lose my mind during puppy madness but I got pet insurance instead.  And a basket for body parts!

He was the “star “in his training classes until the day he figured out he could just stare at ceiling when he'd had enough :) No treat was high value enough to be more interesting than that ceiling.  He earned his CGC on his first birthday to a standing ovation! His propensity for spontaneous joy at inappropriate times –or tuning out with such dramatic flair--had us worried. But he did GREAT and we passed out frosted Birthday bones to everyone.


Over the past 2 years, he’s proven himself to be a therapy dog at heart – particularly with children and those with Alzheimer’s. He’ll lay his head on your lap and listen to gibberish all day.  With other adults, he’s more discerning :) A great judge of character, that FInn!  Hoping we’ll get his official Therapy designation this year.

Finnegan still loves to run and swim, and if he has a friend that will chase him – heaven can wait!   He drags his blanket to bed every night, just like Linus.  He remembers where he put it. He shamelessly begs for treats when we’re out –then drops them at my feet so that I’ll bring them home and put them in his basket for him to eat at his leisure. I ask you, who does that???  He prances to the car if I say the word “go,” and runs to the phone when it rings. He loves the “speaker phone” and can barely contain himself if it’s one of our walking buddies.  It's the only time he'll counter surf - to get to the phone.  

I still love the way he tilts his head when I talk to him.  He tries soooo hard to make out the words. 


On Saturday, we’re going to celebrate at “Strut Your Mutt” – a therapy dog walk event, go for a run in the meadow, maybe the lake, and we’ll finish up sharing his favorite frosted Birthday Bones with his friend Annie.

At three, those puppy days are now well behind us, but a gentler wiser soul has emerged. He’s a snuggler, a character, and a great “reader” of people and other animals.  I can’t imagine life without him.  When I stop long enough to see the world through his eyes, I’m always learning something. Plus we've got so many new friends, including DK!  Finnegan, my BFF and special guy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 










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Comment by Jeanne Rose on May 12, 2013 at 11:36pm
Happy Birthday to Finn!
Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on May 4, 2013 at 7:32pm

FInnegan says I had a great day!  Thank you for the birthday wishes.  Mom posted photos of my day in the Photography Group - May Assignment.

Comment by Theresa & Duncan on May 4, 2013 at 4:09pm

Happy birthday Finnegan!!

Comment by Rose on May 4, 2013 at 8:33am

Happy Birthday, Finnegan!

Comment by Christine & Shelby on May 4, 2013 at 8:25am
Happy Birthday Finnigan!!! I hope you day is full of treats, toys and lots of fun!!!
Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on May 3, 2013 at 7:46pm

Thanks Carol and Cheryl! It's the end of a really good day. We appreciate all the well wishes and we're so happy to be part of a caring group that raised the money for Honey's surgery today. Tomorrow comes early and we have a lot planned :-)

Ned and Clancy, could you be any cuter?  I'm so envious of you double doodle moms :-) Thanks for the thought

and a great cake LOL

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on May 3, 2013 at 7:20pm


Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on May 3, 2013 at 6:07pm

Thanks Jarka!  Your blog about Monty (which was wonderful) motivated me to get back on track with FInn's therapy certification.  He can go to a couple of nursing homes now but he needs certification to be part of a program.  We'll see how he does.  Love your boys. Thanks for your encouragement.

Kisses and Birthday wishes right back 'atcha Bailey :)  Isn't it fun they have their birthdays at the same time!!  Thanks Elizabeth!

Thanks Donna.  Kismet, I think. Next birthday, Finn wants to visit you and take pictures  :-)


Comment by cheryl & oliver on May 3, 2013 at 6:03pm

Happy Birthday Finn!!!! and what a wonderful Mom u have, you are well loved and you love well...P.S. Loved the blog cheryl....

Comment by Carol and Banjo on May 3, 2013 at 6:01pm

Finnegan, you're one of my favorite Doodles.....wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!!    What a wonderful Birthday Blog!


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