Happy Birthday to my 'first' baby "Living Streams Robert ROSCO Redfur"!!! If it weren't for you there'd have been no DK! No immersion into the world of dogs and training and dingleberries! It's a bittersweet day as today would have been Thule's 5th birthday too.
I was thrilled when 4 years ago today I heard news that his mom FINALLY had the litter (2 months gestation back then felt awfully long!). Then 2 months later we brought home this cutie pie:
Here's a flashback blog you might like:
http://www.doodlekisses.com/profiles/blogs/2065244:BlogPost:19638 (it shows his huge growth).
His gifts arrived today (phew!) and he couldn't wait to dive in!
By the description of the chicken I thought it was exactly like his old one...UNSTUFFED. But 15 minutes into it I look outside and the ground in front of him is covered in stuffing. To the trash it went.
He's only NOW (hours later) munching on the other toy =)
I wanted to say more but I'm running around packing for a trip and just now had a moment to breathe (THANK YOU NATALIE for napping the last 1.5 hours!)...*deep breath*.... aahhhh... OK back to work!
Love ya my big furry boy! I've enjoyed our nearly 4 years together!
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