Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The holidays are a time for families and also apparently a time to try and off load your dog.  Maybe I just have more exposure to it now or maybe I’m just more aware than I used to be but it seems like every time I turn around, I hear about someone who is giving up their dog for some reason or another and I’m not just talking about doodles.  It seems like the closer we get to the holidays, the more people are trying to get rid of their dogs.  I belong to a distribution list at work where people can email one another about issues concerning their dogs.  Just today alone there were 2 people that sent emails looking for someone to take their dogs and they were offering them “free to good home”.  One dog is 3 years old and the family’s excuse is that they are busy with work and the kid’s activities and they feel that their dog needs someone that who can devote more time and attention to the dog.  I work at the same company as this person so I understand the time pressures of the dog, but come on.  The dog obviously doesn’t matter to them because if it did they would figure out a way to make their lives blend with the needs of the dog.  If the dog was that important they would have made the time.  If that wasn’t enough, 2 hours later someone else sends an email looking to get rid of the 9 year old dog that they have had since it was 7 weeks old.  This poor dog is about to lose the only home he has known because “he does not do well with active children.”  And they don’t feel that he is has adapted well enough to their young children.  This poor dog is said to be aggressive around other dogs and isn’t fit to live in a home with children due to his “neurotic behavior”.  Yeah, I’m sure people will be jumping at the chance to take this older dog with issues into their home.  What will these dogs and so many others be getting this holiday season?  A trip to the shelter or a stay in a foster home.  Sigh…my heart just aches for these dogs and I feel so helpless. 


Maybe I’m just turning into one of those crazy dog ladies, but I look forward to seeing my dogs each night and they make my house feel like a home.  They are there to greet me every day and are always happy to see me.  Yes they are a LOT of work and take a LOT of time but they are part of my family.  They love me unconditionally and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.  I can't be with my family this Christmas but I have comfort in the fact that I have my dogs with me and I won't feel as lonely as I would have.  So as I get ready for this holiday season my heart goes out to all the dogs that through no fault of their own are about to lose the one thing that means the most to them: their families.  Give your dogs an extra hug today for all the dogs that don’t have anyone to hug them. 

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Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on December 11, 2012 at 1:59pm

I've been hearing these stories for years now, and they still make me every bit as sad and angry as they ever did; they just don't surprise me any more. Thanks for all you do for the rescue dogs, Amy, and for posting this blog for them as well.  

The upside to the increase in the numbers of dogs being given up at this time of year is that there is also an increase in the numbers of people looking for dogs right now. Hopefully, some of the potential adopters will connect with the newly rejected. We can hope.

Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on December 11, 2012 at 1:39pm

I think this has been going on for a long time, but it seems to be getting more and more frequent.  I think it's sort of a reflection of where we are as a society.....values seem to be changing and not for the better.  It is very sad, and seems even worse at the holidays.  I think of all the children in foster homes with no real family of their own, and it breaks my heart.  I can't even watch that commercial with all the shelter dogs. 

Comment by BG and Gavin on December 11, 2012 at 12:55pm

Heart breaking Amy, but thanks for writing about this.  I went to the shelter the other day to drop off some things on their wish list and buy some lottery tickets to support them.  For the first time ever (I never have allowed myself to do this) I went into the back where the kennels are to look at the dogs.  I felt terrible for them.  We have well run and well supported shelter with volunteers that walk each dog every day but still....It breaks my heart that they won't be with a family for Christmas.  And then there are the cats...

Comment by Camilla and Darwin on December 11, 2012 at 12:36pm

Amy, I really love it, I take photos for their online profiles. It does make me sad at times but being around so many wonderful happy dogs is extremely rewarding and overall a very fun and happy experience for me. :-)

Comment by Amy, Cubbie & Ollie on December 11, 2012 at 12:32pm

Camilla, I give you credit for volunteering at the shelter.  I keep thinking about doing that but then the thought of seeing all those sad dogs makes me change my mind.  Our shelter here has an option where you can just work the front desk for 3 hours a week but then i'm not sure what i would do if someone called to dump their dog.  Can you get fired from a volunteer position?  lol

Comment by Amy, Cubbie & Ollie on December 11, 2012 at 12:30pm

Laurie i'm sure you blog will have pictures and be way cooler than mine but i'm sure i'll agree with everything you have to say in it.  I wonder if we are just crazy dog people or if we just have our priorities straight?

Comment by Amy, Cubbie & Ollie on December 11, 2012 at 12:26pm

Sandy I totally know what you mean.  I love when they look at you with that expression that makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world (sure it is usually when i'm holding their food or scratching their ears but still)

Comment by Camilla and Darwin on December 11, 2012 at 11:27am

This is such a sad thing, my heart breaks for all the dogs who instead of being warm and loved for the holidays will be confused and scared and not know what they did wrong. :-( 

Sometimes these things make me so sad and bring me down so much, I feel that I can't handle it. That is when I remind myself that there is good happening too. Last Saturday at the shelter there lots of people wanting to adopt an animal. They were all asking good questions, and seemed to have done their research. let's hope that with all of the people dumping their dogs at shelters, more are willing to open their homes to them. :-)

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on December 11, 2012 at 11:20am

I hope you will get to see some family for the holidays!

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on December 11, 2012 at 11:20am

Oh Amy, I have been thinking about this very same thing and working on a blog (surprise) about it. It makes my heart break to hear about these dogs, especially the nine year old dog. Didn't you say something the other day about, "it's not a priority"?  You were right. I would move heaven and earth for my kids or my dogs and would stand beside my husband in sickness and health.  I know he would do the same. Some people just don't get what love is all about. Thank you for this post.


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