Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Rusty is growing so fast and he doesn't realize how big he is... he keeps trying to go to his old "hiding" places and he just doesn't fit anymore. I took a little nap the other day and didn't put Rusty in his crate... cuz he was sleeping by the bed... well, I woke up to him SCREAMING.. not whining.. SCREAMING.. I sat bolt upright, looked around, I can't see him.. I hop out of bed and run to the bedroom door.. no.. the screaming is coming from inside the bedroom... uhhhh... under the bed.. I pancake myself onto the floor and see Rusty "tummy crawling" to all 4 sides of the bed.. (under the bed used to be one of his favorite places to hide from Lucy). My bed is very low and he's too big to get under it.

I call him and he tummy crawled to me.. I grab his front paws but his chest is too deep and I can't get him out! He continues to scream. I try to lay him on his side but that was a no-go. He's completely freaked... so I just start petting him, trying to calm him down hoping he'll relax enough for me to lay him on his side... he quit screaming but there was no way he was laying on his side. In the meantime, Lucy is jumping up and down on the bed like it's party time and freaking the newly quieted Rusty. [quiet voice] "it's okay Rusty, it's going to be alright".... then i pop up yelling "GET OFF THE BED LUCY!!!!!" I finally had no choice but to remove the mattress and a couple of slats to get Rusty out!! Oh yeah, nice relaxing nap - NOT!!

The only thing I can figure is that Rusty was laying by the bed on his side and did that "puppy paddle" while he slept and slipped under the bed on his side, woke up and rolled to his tummy and VOILA - stuck puppy.

It's pretty funny now... but at the time??? Not so much!

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Comment by Kelli, Fenway, & Dustin Pedroia on April 7, 2009 at 6:02pm
I bet that was a little scary, not to mention frustrating. I can so clearly see this happening to us in the not so distant future. Our little oinker likes to get under our couch. Fenway at 30lbs can flatten herself out and just scoot under there, but I'm afraid that's not going to be the case for our chunky butt! He's going to outgrow this hidey hole pretty quickly and then where will he go to get away from the Fenway monster. Maybe I'll have to check in with Rusty and see where he's hiding and let Dustin know where the new hidey hole will be.
Comment by Marianne *OZZY & ZOEY on April 7, 2009 at 11:09am
Glad Rusty is ok but you are right it was funny especially now that it is over and Rusty is ok.
Comment by Mommy2Max on April 6, 2009 at 9:32pm
Poor guy!

This reminded me of many years ago when my boyfriend had gotten me a kitten. The kitten had gotten stuck behind some bedroom furniture. Think 80's formica pink bedroom. The furniture was all connected like the picture below. Long story short - I cried and then my Father cried from moving the furniture. LOL The kitten was gone the next day! I guess I'm lucky I wasn't the one packing?

Comment by Betsy D. on April 6, 2009 at 7:26pm
I am so glad Rusty is o.k., but I have to say the way you write is wonderful. I could picture it and hear a voice talking to both dogs!!! Very funny and scary at the same time.
Comment by GBK on April 6, 2009 at 4:14pm
OMG I can just see myself in the same situation, and when you had to yell at Lucy, I had to laugh out loud! I am glad Rusty is OK, I had one of mine do that too me once, but luckily I was able to slip them out from under.
Comment by Adina P on April 6, 2009 at 3:54pm
OH....poor little guy! Scary for him but now that he's safe...a little funny!


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