The difference between my two dogs:
Summer-- Shih-tzu
When I come home from work-
Giada...........WOW, your home I am so excited, pet me , pet me PLEASE!!!!
Summer..............Oh, you're home already!!
Waiting at the back door:
Giada...............Oh, I see you are busy, I'll come back in a bit.
Summer..............I see you in there, get off your a** and let me in NOW!!
In the Morning:
Giada.................That's ok mom and dad, I know you need your rest, get me when you can.
Summer............I want out NOW!!!
Getting treats:
Giada.............please, I'm so gentle.
Summer...........Give it to me NOW, or I'll rip your hand off!
I'm not partial, I'm just saying!!!
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