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Laurie, Fudge, and Vern Want to Know How Do We Get the Tour de France Banned from U.S. Television?


For three weeks every year, my husband sits in front of the television watching the Tour de France. I can honestly say, with no malice intended towards the bike riders, that I hate this race.  There are very few sports that I like watching on TV, but even the Super Bowl only lasts for a few hours. This bike race goes on for three weeks and there are no funny commercials or famous singers belting out songs during half time. I don’t like Football either, but I know a little something about it and never get tired of my husband’s reaction when I ask him what inning are they playing and who is up to bat?


The Tour de France makes absolutely no sense to me. It is measured in stages and you can win the race without ever winning a stage. Some riders are there to help someone else win, which seems like a total waste of time to me. Don’t get me started on the outfits. Today, there was a guy in an all white spandex outfit and everybody knows white makes you look fatter and white fabric can be more see through in sweaty conditions. I was hoping someone would bring out the little black box TV censors sometimes use at the award shows, but no such luck. Another guy was wearing a green helmet to match his green ensemble, which is fine if you are at an Irish Pub on St. Paddy’s day knocking back a few, but seems odd to me on a bike trail. All the riders are fighting to wear a skintight yellow jersey, and each year the helmets get crazier and crazier.  They are starting to look like a Toucan parrot has found it’s way on to the back of some of these rider’s heads.


I own a bike and I do ride weekly, but my seat on my bike is huge. I told my husband to go to the bike shop, hold his hands out really wide and tell the employee, “my wife’s butt is this big and she said she wants to be able to locate the seat when the ride is over.”  He did not think that was the proper way to fit a seat, so he declined. The seats these guys sit on in this race are the size of candy Fruit Wedges I can buy at the local drugstore.  Personally, I would be surprised if any of them are able to father children after three weeks of sitting on that seat or do not have to walk around with a bag of frozen peas attached to their nether regions for months. 


God forbid you ask my husband a question while he is watching this excruciating long race or he gets mad. All I said was, “When we are done watching this leg of the race, can we go down to the local hardware store and watch paint dry?” and he got all bent out of shape. Today, he told me if I wanted to sing to the dogs, I needed to go outside and yesterday he asked me to turn my TV down so he could hear the race. Yes, what could be more riveting than hearing one rider appears to be a little winded while shooting up a mountain on a bike. What are the odds?  He has seen me ride a bike uphill, so he should be able to put two and two together by now without the help of an announcer.  I can also tell you if I keel over while that race is on, I had better do it during a commercial or he will not even notice and if the commercial is advertising a new bike, I am screwed.


Over the years, we have had fun bike riding together and right now, in 96-degree weather, he is out there in the elements riding his bike. Usually, I like to wait until he is almost ready to go and yell, “Wait up, I want to go too!” just to mess with him, but it is too hot to even do that today. I admire his dedication and the dedication of those Tour de France riders, but it still does not mean I want to see it for three weeks on TV or plan our days around when it is over. One night, I was so fed up, I got mad and said, “I am tired of competing with this stupid race.  I have needs too!” He told me to turn the race on in the bedroom and he would be right in at the commercial and I told him I appreciated the minimal effort he was willing to make on my behalf, but I was talking about going out for dinner.  Good communication can make a big difference in a marriage, we have found over the years.  


Tomorrow, the race is finally over and then we can get back to our normal lives.   Fudge and Vern get their favorite man back and instead of rushing home to watch the race, we can go back to taking our time on our dog walks. My DD might hear, "How was work today?" instead of "Move, I can't see the TV!" We can be more than spectators and actually go bike riding together and I can go back to asking, “How much longer are we riding?”  It just seems to me this is better than sitting in a living room watching a race unfold on television.


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Comment by Taylor & Huff on July 30, 2011 at 1:17pm

I am not very sporty (ok not sporty at all). I don't get the point of baseball, soccer, football,  ect ect ect.

I flip through several channels and the tv guide is filled with like 25-50 sports channels in a row, what is that about. Nobody in my family even watches sports except super bowl.

Comment by Tina, Clover, Plus 5 More on July 30, 2011 at 10:17am

Oh, Laurie, that must be it!  I bet you can hardly contain all that excitement, but you must.  Otherwise your DH might start impersonating you just to chat with Lance.

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 30, 2011 at 9:11am
Tina, Lance must have read my blog and your comment about the RAGBRAI race. I am sure that is how he found out about it :)
Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on July 27, 2011 at 11:48am
Angie - NEVER should we ban baseball, there are a lot of cute dudes in baseball and they don't dress provocatively - ask Camilla!
Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on July 27, 2011 at 11:46am
Tina, personally I would like to see HIM in white - LOL
Comment by Tina, Clover, Plus 5 More on July 27, 2011 at 10:25am
Laurie, one of the hot topics in news today IS, get ready for it.  Lance Armstrong flew in from France yesterday to ride the last leg of RAGBRAI.  I hope he brought dark colored shorts and not white.
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 26, 2011 at 12:50pm
Jennifer, LOL at the smell the couch. I will just take his word for it that he did not doing anything on it :)
Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on July 26, 2011 at 12:35pm

Very funny and descriptive story-I feel for you although my husband isn't into any sports he's got blockbuster-cable-and now netflix streaming. Fine lets watch a movie but stop scrolling with that thing and pick one! He starts one and then stops it! WTD I liked that one! I didn't know or even know that they pee themselves on the race! Gross! Get a grip! By the way-did your husband get up to use the bathroom at all?? Better smell your couch! I agree 3 weeks is way too much to waste out of life watching that unfold on television! Glad you got your husband back and doodle daddy! Thanks for sharing!


Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on July 26, 2011 at 4:21am
Angie, We should start a petition....LOL!
Comment by Angie, Hudson and Lily on July 25, 2011 at 6:02pm
LOL! I think it should be banned from TV, along with golf, baseball and car racing.


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