Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So I haven't been around posting very much. Living in Canada as I do, I like to spend every minute of good warm weather outside that I can. Winter is always just around the corner here. Max has been making new dog friends all over the place and we often have new and old friends coming over to visit which he always love. Gavin was over to visit us awhile ago, which was fun and a little exciting as Max found a hole in the fence but all turned out well. 

Max and Gavin in the dog pool after a walk.

Max and Gavin playing with a stick.

Max is also quite the ladies man now. He has several girlfriends that like to come over to play. 

These are the girls, Nelly, Daphny and Kenzie (something weird happened to Daphy's nose in the picture!)

Here is Max playing his favourite game with Nelly. 

Max is taking beginner agility, let me just say he is not the most agile of dogs, but we have fun. My trainer told me Max doesn't know where his butt is, but I am not so sure about that, he sure does swing that doodle butt around a lot when he's playing with his friends. 

My stepdad finished building me a new catio for my cats, one cat loves it, one hates it, but it's great for keeping Max from bothering them.

Here is Max checking it out.

Along with all his more mature friends we also met a little golden doodle named Doug. I met them one day when I was walking, and we got to talking, then we made a play date, and then I ended up dog sitting him every day. It's great having Doug over, it's like having two doodles without the cost. Doug is awesome, and they play really well together.

Here they are playing tug together.

I got a beautiful new backyard swing, and the only problem with it is Max and Doug love to go get wet in the dog pool and then jump up together on the swing and then have a little tussle there, so I hardly get to sit on it!

It's been a great summer so far and hopefully it just keeps getting better.

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Comment by Julie and Max on June 26, 2014 at 3:54pm

BG you need to get over here soon so you can see Doug before he's a giant! He's doubled in size since he started coming over. 

Miss Ellie he is a dog/doodle magnet and he loves his friends. 

Sherri the four months of road construction made me laugh, I love in a small town but we have a lot of that too. My cats don't have a better love life, but with the new catio, and their new luxury cat house they sure do have it made!

Comment by Miss Ellie on June 24, 2014 at 8:18am

Awww Max...what a doodle/dog magnet you are...way to go glad you have lots of wonderful friends to play with!

Comment by BG and Gavin on June 23, 2014 at 5:27am

Max is definitely the most popular guy in town. We love getting together with Max and Julie when we are home. And I can't wait to get my hands on little Doug.  Great pictures Julie.

Comment by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on June 22, 2014 at 8:29am

Great Pics! My dogs totally have more friends than me and I often say that my cat has a much better love life.  I totally hear you about summer; I try to soak up as much as I can.  It goes so fast here in Ottawa. Sometimes it seems we have two seasons - Winter for 8 months and road Construction for 4 months. That's it.

Comment by Julie and Max on June 20, 2014 at 7:40pm

Thank you Carol! A lot of people laugh at me about the catio, but it keeps my cats safe and lets them go outside.

He is having a great time Joanna, I wish you were too, the more the merrier. :)

Thanks Pat my stepdad did a wonderful job with it, here is a picture of the full catio.


That's Ghost hanging out in there. 

Thanks Leslie, I love sharing Max's selfies! He is not too happy at the moment as he just got done having a bath because he decided to roll in the mud today lol.

Comment by Carol and Banjo on June 20, 2014 at 6:32pm

Awww.....thanks for sharing some of your summer with us.   Max looks like a happy guy.  How lucky he has so many pals....and Gavin TOO!     The catio is fabulous!

Comment by Joanna, Zoe & Bender on June 20, 2014 at 2:59pm

Max looks like he's having a great summer!  I wish I was a part of the festivities!  

Comment by Pat and Traveler on June 20, 2014 at 2:43pm

Such fun in the Max (and family) household!  Love the pics, the cattio is a great idea!

Comment by Julie and Max on June 20, 2014 at 10:23am

Lori it's the two headed dog! lol

I know the summer goes too fast :(

Comment by Lori, Quincy & Frankie on June 20, 2014 at 8:50am

Great photos ! Max and Doug blend together-so cute.  Enjoy your summer-it does go too fast, even here on Long Island! 


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