Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Not too long ago, about four to five months actually, a hilarious incident involving my doodle, Tucker, occured. My mom, sister and I went to Netflix to buy a movie, leaving Tucker out of his kennel for the first time. Netflix was closing in 20 minutes, so we left the house hastily without noticing a jar of mayonnaise left on the counter. As you may know, my dog is about five times larger than a regular goldendoodle (we think he was exposed to nuclear radiation), so he could reach the countertop in our kitchen. we came home about 30 minutes later, the movie Aquamarine in hand, and we noticed Tucker sitting, trying to look innocent. I called him to come and snuggle when we were watching the movie, but he wouldn't get up. I finally grabbed his collar and pulled him away from where he was sitting. To my horror, there was the jar of mayonnaise, top off, licked clean, with no trace of food left inside it. Literally, the jar was completly empty; not even a drop mayonnaise. I looked at the jar, then back at tucker, who was wagging his tail and was wearing a giant doggy smile on his face. My mom, sister, and I laughed until our sides hurt. Even though I couldn't hear him, I believe Tucker was laughing too.


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Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on December 20, 2010 at 8:17am

How funny.

Comment by BG and Gavin on December 19, 2010 at 8:47pm

:) Reminds me of the old Miracle Whip commercial.

Comment by Melissa & Porter on December 19, 2010 at 4:49pm

I am sure Tucker loved that mayo~!  Ew.  Funny how they know when they've done something wrong, and yet their efforts to hide their crimes are just plain ridiculous (i.e. skulking out of the room with streams of drool and a lollipop stick hanging out of his mouth).


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