Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My Newly Groomed Vern says, "Just Say No to Clean!"

Yesterday, in the POURING down rain, I took Vern to be groomed. I like to have the dogs groomed on separate days, so I can spend individual time with the other. When I came back to the car minus Vern, Fudge was sitting in the driver's seat shaking and showered me with kisses when I told her she had been issued a reprieve until tomorrow. She did not appear to be worried about her brother. Later, we picked up Vern and he looked fabulous. Naturally, I have no pictures, but take my word for it.


Today, was Fudge's day at the groomers and I thought it would be fun to take Vern to the dog park. He was the biggest dog at the park, but was having a wonderful time. Everyone was oohing and aahing over Vern and talking about how cute and nice he looked. I think Vern heard the word clean and thought, "who are they talking about?" because he started rolling in the grass. Well, I got to talking, Vern got braver and decided to venture over by the fence and the next thing I know he rolls in the mud and comes up with most of his face muddy. Next, Vern being Vern, decided that a muddy face was not good enough for him and jumps into the ONLY large, muddy hole in the entire park and rolls. My theory that he would never even see the hole was quickly dispelled. I yelled every command I could think of and Vern is normally, absolutely great about coming when called, but this time that hole proved too much to resist.

After he surfaced, I stood in the dog park and yelled, "Dog for sale!", but I had no takers and believe me, he would have gone cheap at that point. Luckily, one nice lady offered to take a picture for me and send it to me. She did want to try and pose him in the mud hole, but I told her that was not going to happen. Another lady got me a towel (I come so prepared to the dog park) and told me to keep the towel when I said I would get it back to her. Vern was one happy doodle, until we stopped at the dog wash on the way home. I think this is a new record for Vern. He was able to un-groom himself in just a little over 24 hours.


P.S. I would like to add that I have a new found respect for groomers and anyone on DK that grooms their own doodle. Trying to get all the mud out of Vern's coat was a nightmare.

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Comment by Teri & Clover on May 1, 2011 at 8:18am
Oh, puddles at the dog park, how do I loathe thee! Clover is a magnet to mud. He mud escapades have not made me many friends at the park. LOL
Comment by Dori & Rua on May 1, 2011 at 8:03am
I am not showing this picture to Rua, either.  No mud for my little girl.  But, what the heck...I think mud puddles and boys are a natural.
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on May 1, 2011 at 7:34am
It is early on Sunday morning. Vern has remained fairly clean since this incident, but we do have a full day ahead of us :)
Comment by Heather and Rocky on May 1, 2011 at 7:02am
LOL!  That is too funny!  To heck with all that money spent on grooming - mud puddles are free!!
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on April 30, 2011 at 9:24pm
Vern, I would never recognize you! JD says he's proud of you, though!
Comment by Jennifer and Jack on April 30, 2011 at 10:04am
Vern, you are so incredibly cute,. What a fun and exciting life you live, always keeping your mom on her toes...I will not let Jack see this picture, I do not want him getting ideas!!!
Comment by Jodi and Stella on April 30, 2011 at 8:00am
Oh Vern, you are a hot mess!
Comment by Pam & Trixie on April 30, 2011 at 7:09am

I read your post to dh & made him come look at the picture. he said "is he white?"  LOL

I said yes, I will show you waht he normally looks like.

He said "Trixie you better not get any ideas!"

Comment by Pam & Trixie on April 30, 2011 at 7:01am

Ha Ha, Very funny Vern.

I am so glad someone took a picture for you to share.

Comment by Susan and Sasha on April 30, 2011 at 6:54am

Well Laurie...Just what do you expect from a Leader like Vern??!!  Lol...

I Do Hope that he had the other dogs follow the way...and join him in the mud hole?!

I mean...What better way is there to have fun!

By the way...tell him that Sasha thinks he looks handsome... Dirty or Clean!! 

Keep the Doodle stories always make my day!!


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