Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Just before Christmas, with Finn 8 months old and on my last nerve, my neighbor's daughter came to visit. (Her dad is in Baton Rouge, very ill, and she was here to spend a month or so taking care of him. Her dog died in May and I had actually sent her a photo of Finn, but the timing wasn't right.) Without any intent on my part, Jeanne met Finn and fell in love. Her husband wasn't here, so she wasn't sure of his response. Also, she has a 10 year old Maine Coon that had to weigh in. I encouraged her to take him "on a trial basis". If he didn't work out, No Problem.
Well, I haven't seen him since. Her husband fell in love. (They are a forever childless couple in their mid to late 30's).
They have a home in the Bahamas. They live on a sailboat. They have a home on Ocrakoke. (Did I mention that Finn hates water?) I just kept hoping he wouldn't screw this up. They took him to Pensacola to the beach but that didn't go quite as planned. But they were already in love. And Finn worships Jeanne. He LISTENS to everything she says...and does it. He took right to Jack the Cat....tried to walk on window ledges with him...NOT. He has only chewed up 3 things..all leashes.
Jeanne's an experienced traveler. She had 12 years of traveling with her other dog. She had Finn and Jack in crates ready to take a commercial flight to the Bahamas from Ft. Lauderdale. She couldn't do it. She CHARTERED a plane for Finn because she couldn't bear for him to be in the cargo hold. He spent the hour long flight in his own seat looking out the window. When they arrived, Brian (his Dad) was there to meet them. They had to take the dinghy to the boat. He did great...immediately figured out how to hop on Brian's back and then on the boat (YAY) but he managed to go from there to the top of the bimini with Jack the cat....not cool. But he is learning. Jeanne took him onshore on the leash. The streets were full of school children, chickens, and goats. He was overwhelmed. (Apparently, in the Bahamas, if you kill a goat or other livestock, they take your house....not good) The kids fell in love with him and walked him on the leash. And Nothing died.
He had the dinghy figured out, but now his mom and dad were in the water swimming. He went in and swam to them! YAY
From Wal Mart parking lot to the Bahamas.
His new life is beginning. I think Jimmy Buffett would be proud. I know I am.
What an absolutely wonderful ending.
Such wonderful news!! Glad to hear a happy ending.
This is the greatest story ever! I hope he learns he's not a cat soon!!
sounds like a wonderful new life. What a happy story.
I am so glad you checked in Linda! I have been thinking about you and Finn a lot and left a message on your page some time back - even asked Joanne if she heard from you. I am so glad that Finn found his place in life. Your friend sounds very special and she is aware of how special Finn is. Nice life Finn - boy! Keep an eye for the other fins (to the left, fins to the right) while sailing on the high seas!
I'm so happy for Finn & his new family! May they all live happily ever after!
Reggae Finn. Linda, what a nice story. Even more, it is good to see you back out there on DK :) I've missed you.
I was once fostering a dog and asked a seasoned foster mom, 'how do you know if you should keep them or not?'
She told me, they let you know. You will know by watching them if they are happy. Sounds like, he fell in love. They both did :)
I'm proud of you and so happy for Finn.
In the future, we would LOVE updates. Hope you do follow up with us, Finn's Life and Travels
Finn is gorgeous :)
Wow, he's gorgeous. He looks sooo doodly to me! i still can't believe he isn't a doodle.
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