wow just think 12 short weeks to go, time has flown by quickly and your little bundle will be here. Do your dogs act differently around you or when they lie down by poodles use to and when Jas was born they would lie down by his crib and bassanet and protect him. It was funny to see them make the connection of baby in belly and now a living being to grow up with.
These pics are great!!! I LOVED being pregnant... I felt like I glowed. You have that glow, too. You are absolutely beautiful. Enjoy these months - they are soon just a memory. (until the next time and then it all comes back to you!! LOLOL)
Comment by Bev and WILLY on August 2, 2009 at 10:03pm
Baby Pearson is growing. So what's the name gonna be? Baby Bump or Wiggly Worm?
Baby and Mom looking great. DoodleKisses from Willy
Finally, got to access my internet for longer than 5 minutes!! Love the pictures. What a great idea. You'll treasure that memory of a flat tummy for a few more months.
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