Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I love dogs and animals of all sizes and shapes. After having a bird and a guinea pig, Monty is finally my first dog and what a good dog he is. We are hoping to pass the Therapy dog certification with Delta Society in February 2012. In the meantime, I keep his training routine going. While back I got him a dog vest with patches that read: "I'm friendly, ask to pet me. Therapy dog in training." We take Monty everywhere with us so that he can get socialized with all sorts of people and environments. As all of you doodle owners know, we all get stopped quite often since our doods are just irresistible, correct? Therapy dogs or not, there is just something special about doodles that makes other people want to pet them. I bet you get that all the time when you are out and about with your dogs. Correct?
So today I got a reaction that I have never experienced before. Here is what happened:
I was shopping for a paining easel at Michaels this morning and Monty was with me. I picked up the clumsy box and was making my way to the checkout. Those of you who shop at Michaels know that the isles are quite narrow. So here I come with the box under my right arm, holding the leash with a healing Monty in my left hand. There is a couple of ladies standing in the isle, their back turned to us looking at something. They are on Monty's side. So I squeeze right behind them with my box, Monty following me. There was no pull on the leash whatsoever. Suddenly I hear one of the lady's screaming: Oh my God, the dog licked me. How disgusting!" I turned around to see her angry face looking directly at me. Wow, really? At best, maybe he touched her leg with his wet nose as he was passing by. There was really not much room. Sorry about that. I totally understand there are people who do not like dogs and do not find our fuzzy doods irresistible (well, I don't really understand, but I know there are people like that). I was so flabbergasted by the reaction of the woman that I did not know how to react. I understand that I have to be careful being the dog handler, but it's not like I had to fight with the dog to stop harassing the lady. He was just walking behind her. I know Monty did not lick her. He does not react to people who are not facing him and not talking to him in a high pitched voice about how cute he is. Since I did not know how to react nicely to her scream, I just kept walking to the cash registers.
Oh well, lesson learned. And by the way, Monty got "attacked" by 3 other shoppers who wanted to pet him as we were standing in the line for the checkout. All commented on how well behaved he was. He understood none of it, but it helped me to get over the whole unpleasant situation.
Glad you ran into some dood lovers on the way out :)
Lots of great responses here LOL! I don't know that I could have walked away without somethingbut you are lucky you have dog friendly stores and those comments wouldn't help keep it that way!! Love the doormat! We have a sign in our office that says that!!!
I can understand perfectly how flabbergasted you must have been at that comment. I'm positive Monty did not lick her. I wish he had "goosed" her though.
I hope that is the worst thing that ever happens to her. She would be fortunate!
Adina,I love the only helped with the pies answer.
Jarka, that's a nice mat.
I probably would have responded that way too (but silently) many years ago!!! I still prefer for dogs to hold their licker, but sheesh!
A relative of mine turned down an invite to come to my mom's for Thanksgiving because (when it finally came down to it) she thought she might throw up because they have a dog in the house. This was both hilarious to me and super hurtful and sad. My mom runs a clean house and although my mom's dog has long, shedding hair, she is the least in-your-face dog I know and she doesn't go anywhere to get dirty and gets groomed regularly.
I kept trying to think of responses to her fear like:
-Oh don't worry Katrina will only sit at the kids' table
-Oh the hair only sticks to you if you come in soaking wet
-Oh come's not like Katrina cooked the turkey, she only helped with the pies
ROFL, Donna, those are perfect answers.
I had a germophobe aunt who sounds like this woman. It's ridiculous, but F is right, probably best to appease this type of nut person.
Not serious but just for fun, "So sorry but he has a liking for nasty tasting things" or "Yes it was disgusting, I'll be sure to wash his mouth out when we get home". I wouldn't say these things but I'd be thinking them. A simple apology and move on will do. Monty, you can lick me anytime. :>)
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