Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi, this is Murphy (Guinness's brother).  I'm writing this blog, because he's just to little to reach the computer....even when he's on the chair.  We have a BIG problem.  It's our Mom...she has something called OCD.  We didn't know what was wrong with her until today when I did some "net surfing".  Our Mom is really strange about a lot of things...but the thing with our toys is just out of control.  She has this "basket" where she puts our toys.  Now think about it, what good are toys when they're in a basket.  Can you play with them...or chew them...I don't THINK SO.  So, what's with the basket anyway?  A few times a day she makes this funny sound (like ahhhhhhh) and goes around and picks up all our toys and puts them in that basket thing.  WTD?  Well it just makes a lot more work for Guinness and me.  We have to wait till she's out of the room and then I have to get up and get the toys out and throw them on the floor so that Guinness and I can play.  We usually wait till she's in the bathroom (she's in there a lot), and then I do it.  I say "Guinness, let the good times roll".  Then we spread them all over the place....Guinness usually takes care of the downstairs. Don't you think we NEED toys in every room....of course we do.  It kind of looks like this....

Okay, Guinness, she's in the bathroom, I'll get up there and get the toys out of the "basket".

I'm finding all the good ones, buddy.



I'm really getting into my work....


There's an antler in here somewhere....

I think I got all the good ones.....


Thanks, Murph!

So this is how we spend our day....ridiculous, right?  Can you talk to our Mom about this problem?  She needs help!  Saturday before our DS came over with the "rug rats" she picked up the toys and put them away.  We had nothing to do.  Then Guinness spotted a kid's "rubber shoe" (Crocs), and it sure looked like a it smelled like feet...yummy.  Well there was nothing else to play with, so Guinness "snuck" it under the dining room chair (he's pretty smart).  Nobody could see us....sweet.  Well we ate it!  We didn't swallow anything...just spit out all the little "shoe pieces".  Everyone was shocked when they found us....hello, what else were supposed to chew?  It wasn't pretty...the DGS was crying like crazy and our DS was not a "happy camper".  Mom had to hit the Mall on Monday looking for more of those rubber shoes.  I guess they're hard to find for little kids.  Oh well, serves her right.  So we're wondering if there are other Doodles out there with Moms who have this OCD thing too?  We need help!!!!

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Comment by Jennifer and Jack on May 13, 2011 at 4:43pm
This post thread is making my day.. I love it.. I am always trying to teach Jack to put his toys back and to shut the door after himself!!!!
Comment by Suzann, Rosey & Bandit on May 13, 2011 at 3:59pm
Good job guys!! Our mom only pics up our toys once or twice a week to vaccum.. so I guess we got her trained good!!
Comment by Val MacQueen and Jasper on May 13, 2011 at 3:56pm
Jasper here , my Mum's the same Dad too sometimes but mainly when I try to eat the basket. I love to tip it over so that every thing comes out but I have to be a bit careful because Dad is worried Mum will trip over one of my toys as she has BSS.
Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on May 13, 2011 at 3:45pm
Comment by Lynda Kamrath on May 13, 2011 at 3:27pm
Okay, I give up. What is this OCD disorder??
Comment by Ronna, Murphy & Wilson on May 13, 2011 at 3:16pm
I know..right?  Do you have any idea how long it takes me everyday to spread these toys out?  And I am just a little guy.  I can't wait till my new brother gets here to help me!
Comment by Jen, Lachlan, and Declan on May 13, 2011 at 2:57pm
Poor Murphy, moms are sure weird, aren't they? Mine keeps asking me stoopid questions like "Don't you have enough toys to chew on? Do you really have to eat the furniture too?" Well duh! Or even better, "Can't you eat something that's actually food for a change?" Silly human.
Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on May 13, 2011 at 2:13pm

Gosh, after looking at your assortment of furry stuffed chew toys, Bella and I are feeling severely deprived!!!  For some reason I still don;t understand, our mom stopped bringing those treats home to us. I heard lots of yelling words like:

"stuffing EVERYWHERE, "Bella, DON'T swallow the squirrel!" or " Great, this lasted a whole 5 minutes". I don't get it. If you bring it in, and leave it unattended, aren't we supposed to chew it up? Looks like you have a great stock of stuffies there and I am going to call my mom into check this out right now. Hey mom......

Comment by Donna K & Quincy on May 13, 2011 at 11:42am
Jane, about those Crocs, I think the boys may have read about Rooney's episode with the alligator, and doodles being as smart as they are know that croc is short for crocodile and were trying to keep the family safe. You may have to show them a picture of a real crocodile to avoid any future confusion.
Comment by Lindsey on May 13, 2011 at 9:00am
Sameeee exact problem here!
If you go and look at the pictures of me on my page, you'll see where I've been caught getting my toys back out of the basket as well!!
She started putting my basket up high on top of my crate, thinking I couldn't reach them there, but I proved her wrong. I'm still a pup, but I'm growing so quickly...she can no longer find a spot high enough for me to not be able to reach.
However, I do have a major problem now...last night she came home with a clear box with a lid!!! She told dad they were going to put all of my toys in that box and only let me have a few of my toys at a time....I'm glad she didn't take all of my toys away...but I don't know why I can't just keep the one million, three thousand, two hundred and fifty nine toys out at once!!
I'm also a little perturbed because my FAVORITE toy is a tennis ball, and she has slowly started taking those away from me too!! She said they aren't good for me :-( She said we can only play with them when we're outside and I fetch them and bring them right back to her...but my favorite thing to do with them is chew!! So now I just sit and watch my beloved tennis ball, as it sits inside the clear box with a lid, it's like watching a fish boring!


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