Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just a little photo update...

We went to a wedding with a 'plaid' dress code :-)

Rosco has a hard life because sometimes his mom gives him a bath.
One day the kids made a 'bed' on the living room floor and Rosco immediately helped himself to it.  My daughter was NOT happy about it but once I suggested they take photos with Rosco, she perked up.

We had our first Thanksgiving together as 'just' a family of four without any other extended family or friends:
(Yup that is a salmon instead of a Turkey.  I promise it was not for the sake of 'health' as much as preference and simplicity).

Later a little girl turned FOUR....F O U R!!!!
And we had cake for breakfast
Because Moustachio had to leave town by 8am.

Then the snow came... and Boca was thrilled, but mostly because she's always thrilled especially if she's near the back door because there is a certain magnetic energy the back door has and the closer she is to it (in or out) the faster her tail spins and the higher she can jump.

Just because I think he's the CUTEST thing :-)A great little craft we worked on (I'll share the link to the instructions if anyone is interested)

We got our tree up....
I got a new dog groomer, who doesn't like to wear pants.

He also drinks on the job.  But he works for cheap, so....
(See that tooth brush on the plasma car?  That's MINE.  NOTHING is sacred with kids).

After ALL the wig hair, giant yarn brades, yarn hair crowns, etc. that I've bought or made for her...she STILL prefers to hook leather dog leashes to her shirts for "Rapunzel hair" -- apparently they fall and flow and work better somehow.

Thanks to their kibble running out before their next bag was delivered and since it was Sunday (pet food store closed), Rosco and Boca got a rare treat.  Here they are wondering what has caused their mother to be so cruel as to put her family's dinner on the floor in front of them.  WHY would I tempt them so?  Little did they know these sweet morsels would soon be theirs!

The resultant gourmet meals included leftover oatmeal with craisins and some drizzled olive oil for extra calories (per my consult with a DK food expert you probably have never heard of...I think her name starts with a K--but please note I did not follow her advice exactly.  I just don't have enough MEAT in my house to feed dogs since we are semi-vegetarian).


The funniest thing is that I gave one bowl to my daughter to give to Rosco.  And I gave the other bowl to my son to feed to Boca.  My son almost immediately refused to give it to Boca and threw a fit because...HE WANTED TO EAT IT *sigh*  I had to pry his hands away and give it to Boca and then promise him we could eat that for lunch too.   So we had the same thing (minus the oatmeal/craisin addition), though I actually bothered to season our fish and the carrots have NEVER tasted so good.  Turned out to be a successful, delicious lunch for all my children!!


That's all folks!  Thanks for looking :-)

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Comment by Pat and Traveler on December 10, 2013 at 5:48pm

What a fun photo visit!  It's a treat to see the family in their 'natural habitat,' and hear all the little stories that go with the photos.  I'm still smiling.  :)

Comment by Adina P on December 9, 2013 at 9:11pm

Nancy, go back one page for the link!

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on December 9, 2013 at 9:03pm

Thank you for the update on your family.  I love knowing how the kids and doggies are doing. I cannot believe Natalie is four already. She is such a cutie.  And your new, cheap, pantless, drinking dog groomer is too precious for words.  Rosco and Boca are such great examples of family pets.

I would love the directions to your project.

Comment by Lonnie & Libby Lu on December 9, 2013 at 7:18pm

Love ALL of these pictures Adina!   It is so nice to get to know you and your family!  Your little ones are adorable and the Doodles, well we all know how cute Doodles are:)  Thanks for sharing, so much fun!   Boca definitely looks happy about the snow!! Happy 4th Birthday to your daughter!  Your son has a sparkle in his eyes:)

Comment by Nicky, Riley & Boris on December 9, 2013 at 5:11pm

Gorgeous children and so lovely to get a glimpse of your family life. Love the birthday breakfast cake..and that decoration which I must try to make. Thanks for sharing.

Comment by Lynda Kamrath on December 9, 2013 at 4:17pm

We had a ball doing your little craft at school.  The fourth graders loved it.  We did it in all sizes and they seem to do best with four inch squares.  Great for tree decorations, but also great hanging ornaments.  My dogs love human food, but they sure can get spoiled and not want their kibble.  Your kids and dogs are so cute.

Comment by BG and Gavin on December 9, 2013 at 3:36pm

Love your photo essay.  Natalie is looking so grown up and Blake IS just the cutest.  Fun times!

Comment by Lori, Quincy & Frankie on December 9, 2013 at 10:47am

beautiful family making lots of fun memories! thanks for sharing 

Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on December 9, 2013 at 8:11am

Great photos, I cannot believe Natalie is 4. Unbelievable! 

Comment by Janie, Jackson and Jilly on December 9, 2013 at 6:25am

This was soo much fun! Thanks for posting! Your children are so darn cute!! Love the plaid theme!! And  Rosco's bath picture, I just want to smooch him! Nice going with the craft, I saw the directions posted somewhere and thought it looked complicated! I bet Rosco and Boca wish you ran out of dog food every day!!


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