Being a first time dog owner, I never realized how much love you can have for an animal. Holly has been sick all day, and I feel so sad and helpless! She was fine when we left the house at 8:30, and thankfully my husband stopped home at 10:30. He found Holly in her kennel surrounded by vomit, looking very sick. He immediately called me and we took her to the vet at 11:00. She vomited twice on the way there. The vet said he does not feel any obstructions or bloating, but she does have a fever. He gave Holly a shot to stop the vomiting as well as a an antibiotic. He thinks it is inflamed bowels and some sort of stomach flu. Now the vomiting has stopped but she's been having diarrhea consistently every hour. He said to let him know if she does throw up again, so he can do an x-ray. I wonder if she caught something at daycare or ate something while we weren't looking, I just feel so bad for the poor girl, she looks exhausted and sad :(. I know it doesn't quite compare, but I feel like I think I would feel if it were my sick child. We don't have any children yet but are planning to soon, I guess this is preparing me for it!
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