Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Boris arrived home last Sunday and he is the sweetest little fellow.  I knew these potty training/crate training first few weeks were going to be a bit mad and I haven't been disappointed.  Potty training is going really well mainly due to mad dashes to the garden every hour and in the middle of the night in the freezing cold and rain where I put on my most enthusiastic voice and repeat 'get busy' until there is a result. Crate training is proving slightly harder as the first four nights resulted in very little sleep for any of us even though the crate was beside us.  Two nights ago we gave in and my partner Joe took him into our bed at 12 and he slept right through to 7.30.  Last night we did the same and he woke at 7. During the day he is choosing to go into his crate for naps and I close the door so that's better and yesterday I went out for two whole hours to play bridge and he was fine when I returned.  Riley is taking all his toys and getting into his crate at every opportunity and if you didn't know what 'play' looked like you would think they were killing each other!

With all this going on I totally forgot about a wedding we are going to tomorrow...I thought a) it was next week and b) that it was on a Saturday.  It's down the country (as we say here) so needs a night away.  Jessica (my eldest) had promised she would come and stay.  When I realized my mistake yesterday Jess said no problem Mum but I'm working until 6pm!  We have to leave at 11am for a 3pm wedding.  Aaaaaagh.  I wracked by brains and then thought about leaving Riley in day care tomorrow and Boris with my ex until Jess could bring them both home in the evening and stay here for the night.  Luckily for me I have the most wonderful day care.  I brought Boris to visit (in my arms) today and left Riley for three hours.  I told them my dilemma and they have agreed to take both boys tomorrow looking after Boris separately in another room as he isn't over his shots and can't mix.  They have a pet photography studio and he will be there with a member of staff (they are fighting as to who gets the job) until Jess picks them both up. I  have left four pages of notes, stuffed kongs in the freezer.  I will leave two harnesses with the seat belts in the day care plus the keys to my house and the boys food for the day, food in the fridge for Jess, instructions re the oven and the heating, cleaning stuff handy for accidents....what else have I forgotten??? I'm sure there is loads, oh I know I haven't thought about what I'm wearing for this wedding or about packing etc etc...

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Comment by BG and Gavin on November 4, 2012 at 7:01am

Looking forward to an update Nicky!  Hope everyone had a good time.  It takes a village!  :)

Comment by Deanna & Desi & Cori on November 3, 2012 at 8:09am

Four pages of notes???  I think the first time I left my daughter for an over-night with my parents, I handed her off with the phone number of the hotel where we'd be staying and maybe a couple of verbal instructions regarding her feeding schedule - guess I was a really BAD mom!!  LOL

Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on November 2, 2012 at 5:12am

Wine for Jess....have fun!

Comment by Joanne ~ Spud* on November 1, 2012 at 7:39pm

As my mom used to say, "I love it when you go away. Please leave "  ( she was asking me to leave so she could babysit.  At least I hope that is what she meant)

A lot of people are going to have a good time with your boys. Now, you need to go ' Down The Country' and have some Fun!

Wish I was babysitting Boris. 

Sounds like these two are playing really good.  That is great news. Video? 

Comment by Bonnie and Kona on November 1, 2012 at 7:29pm

OMD! Hang in there. It will all be a funny story soon. I hope all goes well at your end and with Riley and Boris. Bless Jessica's heart. She sounds like a wonderful daughter.

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on November 1, 2012 at 7:28pm

Nicky, I hope you can have fun at the wedding. You raised that sweet daughter, so I am sure she is up to the challenge :) Sounds like you have a wonderful daycare.

Comment by Jarka, Monty & Auggie on November 1, 2012 at 7:23pm

Oh Nicky, I'm not surprised a bit that you forgot all about the wedding. The first weeks are just pure madness, although it really sounds Boris is wonderful and you've got everything under control. Get some sleep on the night out.

Comment by Sue & Lily Grace on November 1, 2012 at 5:50pm
Nicky, Wow! You make me tired just thinking about. You are very well prepared.
Comment by Pat and Traveler on November 1, 2012 at 5:49pm

I'm sure everything will be fine, Nicky--what a great day care you have!  They will dote on the boys, and someone is bound to take care of anything you may have forgotten.  Four pages of notes--too funny!  Hope you enjoy the wedding and little time-out from the furkids.  :)

Comment by Joanna, Zoe & Bender on November 1, 2012 at 4:41pm

you sound very prepared if you ask me!  I'm sure the pups are in the best care and your daughter will be fine too!  Lucky she gets to play with such cuties!  Have a great time at the wedding!!!


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