Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Kate is nearly 8 months old and was supposed to be spayed a couple of weeks ago but threw up that morning.  She was spayed today.  We worried because 25 years ago we had a dog die during a spay.  She's home and clearly sore.  She threw up bile a little.  We have pain medicine for her but she needs to eat first.  Poor baby.  Seemed to take awhile to come totally out of sedative.  Usually they bounce back quickly.

This picture was Kate from a couple of weeks ago.  She was so calm.  She loved being petted so she was ok with shots and everything.  The vet has a black golden doodle too.

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Comment by Susan & Randy's Kate on December 5, 2014 at 1:04pm

Even inside it is difficult for three dogs to remain calm.  They normally went out for a shorter time it was surprising to me she stayed out that long.  We have had 20 dogs over the years and although some have dropped a stitch or two we never had problems like this.  We do not have fenced yard.  I am disabled (well I can walk using a walker outside and use hand controls in my car) so I couldn't keep her on a leash.  She seemed fine.  Country dogs are not city dogs.  After the second surgery I left them out one at a time which helped because mischief in numbers is more fun.  Today the dachshund, who never stays out very long, has been out five hours so far while the other two have come in and out.  I see her out the living room window digging like dachshunds were bred to do.  She loves it here.  She loves being a dachshund and not in a crate all day and afraid of her rambunctious brother the boxer if she lived at home with my daughter.  I never have seen a male or female dog or cat not run, jump or play a few days after surgery.  The only way any of our dogs would follow those guidelines is to sedate or crate them for a week.   We do not let the dogs (except the puggle if he asks) on the furniture so jumping is not a problem.

I do think a one inch incision should have had more than two stitches and that staples are probably a better alternative. Believe me the $110 spay and the $310 second surgery isn't the normal fee for a spay x 2.

Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on December 5, 2014 at 10:02am

I'm glad to hear that Kate is so much better. She has really been through a lot for such a baby. I just wanted to mention that if your vet told you it was okay for Kate to run in the woods for 6 hours 4 days after her spay surgery I would really encourage you to look for a new vet. That was, as you discovered, an extremely dangerous thing for her to do. Here is an excerpt from the Humane Society site regarding after spay care:

2. Restrict activity for the next seven (7) days – no running, jumping, playing. Keep pets on leash when outside. Take stairs slowly and one step at a time. No jumping into and out of vehicles or onto and off of furniture. After the initial seven days of rest, slowly increase the amount of activity allowed over the second week, closely monitoring the incision site for abnormalities.

These were the instructions we received for Tara and she did great.

Comment by Susan & Randy's Kate on December 5, 2014 at 4:31am

Sixteen days after Kate had first surgery she finally is off antibiotics and had staples removed.  I guess the moral of the story is an active dog should have more than two stitches in a one inch wound.  The staples worked great in the second surgery. The incision was about 2.5 inches with 10 staples.   So glad that is over.  She is the most laid back dog we have ever had.  She likes going to the vet and didn't flinch when the staples were removed.  You would think she wouldn't trust after all that but she does.  Love those dogs.

Comment by Susan & Randy's Kate on November 25, 2014 at 9:44am

Kate is day three post second surgery.  She was so bloated and the injury looked bad that I was worried.  Still have 7 days left of antibiotic.  She ornery and crazy still.  I have to admit that she is generally one calm dood.  

Comment by Susan & Randy's Kate on November 23, 2014 at 6:44am

Kate slept well and I was trying to let the dogs out one at a time.  Doesn't work well.  Got the puggle out but they either all go out or none.  Anyway, Kate rested after second surgery.  I have never seen her bite at stitches (like other dogs I have had) but she licks.  She has a collar but I took it off to sleep.  She started to licking her belly and I told her to stop and she did....  Good girl Kate.  Back to vet tomorrow to be checked.  Has antibiotic.  Her legs were muddy hast night and since she threw up a mole (sorry - god's least adorable creature) so I worry about infection.  Anyway hope the staples hold better than the stitches.

Comment by Susan & Randy's Kate on November 22, 2014 at 8:43pm

Oh and she threw up a mole before surgery :I

Comment by Susan & Randy's Kate on November 22, 2014 at 8:42pm

When you live in the country older dogs teach the newer dogs boundaries.  Today they three were gone for 6 hours.  When they came back Kate stitches were out and her intestine was protruding.  Emergency vet visit  40 minutes away later she has staples, antibiotic and sleepy.  It was the fourth day and I thought we were almost out of the woods.

Comment by Susan & Randy's Kate on November 21, 2014 at 1:34pm

She doesn't lick often but it is seeping a drop or two.  They usually give antibiotic at time of surgery.  I never have put a collar on or protected the area with any of our dogs.  I would if they they obsessive.  I will check again tonight and need be take her to the vet in the morning.  

Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on November 21, 2014 at 11:24am

I'm not sure it is good for her to lick the stitches.  Perhaps you should ask your vet? It seems like they like to limit access to surgical wounds...I'm just wondering if it could be causing the irritation you're seeing?

Comment by Susan & Randy's Kate on November 21, 2014 at 9:45am

Decades ago when they spayed our dogs there was a long incision.  Now it is two stitches and one inch long incision.  I checked today and there is clear blood tinged seepage (serum and little blood) but just a few drops.  One side of her belly looks pinkish and swollen.  Online information states beyond 3-5 days.  This is Day 3.  She acts fine although still aggravates her but seems to lick and not bite the sutures.  Sweet doodle.


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