Thanks you guys, who responded to my last blog!!! I feel soooooooooooo much better knowing I'm not the only one who has a doodle that is sometimes CRAZY!! And drives ME crazy! It has been better these past days. My husband really helped too! I also, the past two days, have let Samson out on my enclosed deck with some toys for an hour out of the house, where I check on him every few minutes and I can do some housework or vacuum or something without him right next to me!!
I don't have a day care nearby (how I wish!!) but I will be calling a place to get him into an obedience class. I know I whined, but it is true, I was soooo used my old dog just being there...sleeping by my side, not playing around anymore for many, many years, that I was blind-sided by this whizzing bundle of energy entering my home! I know this time will go fast. I am a very inpatient person. I always have been. So I'm just getting ahead of myself.
I love this dog very much. I really really appreciate everyone's helpful comments. It makes me feel very good to know that there are compassionate, caring people here!
Thanks again!!!
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