Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

You've all been hearing that our Murph is getting to be a BIG boy. Well he could no longer fit in any of our dog beds without either his head or his "fanny" hanging off the side. So, when we were in Newport last week we headed for the Black Dog store. They had just what we needed....a huge bed for Murph that actually matched the bedroom. We brought it home thinking he would love it...NOPE, not so much. Here it is....nice right?

He refuses to sleep he will only sleep on our bed, and preferably on my side of the bed. Here's the big guy...

Are you getting the idea that he thinks this bed is his?

Here he is on MY side...Trying to move him is almost impossible. He digs in and won't budge.

He's hates the couch pillows, but he's loving the ones on the bed....

This one is just perfect for his chin. It's hard to hold a big Doodle head up all day. A guy needs his rest.

While Murph is making himself very comfortable on Mom & Dad's bed, Guinness is just watching from the floor. He's too small to jump up there himself. Life is sad for the little guy, because Mom's not always around to get him up!

I can't believe what just happened. We just went in to make our bed, and we found that Guinness had "marked" the corner of the bed coverings. From the position of the "pee" he must have lifted his leg and gone right on the bedspread and comforter at the corner of the bed. He has been marking outside for the past few weeks (since he learned how to lift his leg), but NEVER inside. How bizarre. I'm thinking this must be has way of saying that the bed is his "territory" which is probably stemming from frustration over the fact that Murphy can get up there whenever he wants, and Guinness can't. I need the stairs FAST. Anyone else have a Doodle that has marked things inside the house?

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Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 28, 2010 at 4:37am
Shelly, just click on "Videos" on top of the home page, and you'll see it.
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on July 27, 2010 at 7:56pm
I'm so glad Guinness is happy again. I imagine Murph is a little put out that he's lost his exclusive bed rights, lol!
Comment by shelly on July 27, 2010 at 6:55pm
YEAH!!! FOR GUINNESS! We knew you could do it! so proud of you hot shot!... how do I find the video?
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 27, 2010 at 5:07pm
It finally happened! Guinness is now running up the dog stairs to get on the bed. It took a couple of days of "training", but now it's a "done deal" and he is feeling pretty full of himself. Thanks everyone for all your "words of wisdom" while we were solving Guinness "bed inadequacy issues". Murph still doesn't quite know what to make of the stairs...he seems a little annoyed by them. I think they get in his way as he is "sailing" on and off the bed. Guinness is now a happy Dood. Check out the video and you'll get a good idea of what's been going on around here the past couple of days.
Comment by Joyce & Wilson on July 26, 2010 at 7:41pm
I bet if you leave those two alone in the bedroom with those steps.. peer pressure will win out and Guinness will scamper up them!!! LOL
Comment by shelly on July 26, 2010 at 5:51pm
LOL JANE! So glad your search was successful, but so sad that Guinness isn't fond of them....My DH wanted to know what I was searching for on Target yesterday. I explained the story - the quick version- to him and he just shook his head, laughed, and said "you guys crack me up. Remember the days that dogs were dogs?" and said.. all this fuss and he probably won't use them... so blame HIM he must have jinxed it! Keep at it Guinness! I know yu can do it! Show him who's boss! LOL Oh and JANE - "Cheers"!
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 26, 2010 at 3:41pm
Now i'm LMAO because while I'm covered with sweat working with Guinness to go up the stairs, Murph has decided he LOVES them. Yes, he just ran right up those stairs. Life with these guys is absolutely hysterical! I need another drink. The one I had in celebration of Callie's first place status just isn't "cutting it". JD, Guinness says thanks for the encouragement, and we're going to "keep at it". He wants to know how soon he can send "Murph the Fly Killer" to IL.
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on July 26, 2010 at 3:07pm
I was afraid you were going to say that. Here, put Guinness on the line, Jackdoodle wants to speak to him:

Yo, Guinness, my man! What's up with you? Or should I say, what's not up with you? You want on the bed, my man, you gotta go up those stairs. Are you gonna let a puppy usurp your rightful place on your mom's bed while you stand on the floor peeing in frustration? I know it looks scary, but you can do it, Guinness! I have faith in you! Your friend, JD
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on July 26, 2010 at 2:58pm
OMD....he wants nothing to do with the stairs! I'm working on it. The video may be Guinness NOT going up the new stairs. LOL The saga continues.
Comment by Michele, Biscuit & Mo on July 26, 2010 at 1:16pm
Great photos. And Guinness is definitely marking out of frustration... and to tell you off! :-)


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