Oscar weighed in at 12.8 lbs at his 8 week vet visit. Lucy was 10.6 lbs. Their breeder told me Oscar would be much smaller than Lucy, but I'm really wondering now with the difference in weight at the same young age. Time will tell, I guess.
Oscar is a HEARTY eater! Lucy just picked at her food at his age (and to this day isn't a big food enthusiast). Oscar seems continually hungry. His stool sample came back parasite free so he's just a hungry guy!
Oscar drinks A LOT of water. Lucy drank a normal amount of water. Oscar also dribbles a lot of water after drinking and half his face is drenched. We keep a small towel nearby so we can mop up his face and the floor after he drinks!
Oscar whines more than Lucy ever did. He whines a little just getting settled for a nap. He's not necessarily looking for attention, he just lets his feelings be known by giving a little whine.
Oscar barks far less than Lucy did. We've heard him bark (at Lucy) maybe 2 times in 5 days.
Oscar sleeps on his back with all four feet sticking straight up in the air - Lucy has always been a side sleeper.
Oscar's health is excellent, like Lucy's was, however, he has an abnormal bite with his bottom baby canines hitting his hard palate. This is something Lucy didn't have a problem with. Its our hope he doesn't require doggy braces when his adult teeth come in!
Oscar seems to be picking up on potty training pretty quickly, as did Lucy.
Both doods seems to play similarly, with lots of play bows. I think Lucy is teaching Oscar how she likes to play, which is pretty cool.
Oscar loves eating leaves out on potty breaks, the same as Lucy as his age.
Oscar loves hanging out with daddy watching TV... one of Lucy's favorite things in the whole world!
Oscar is taking to his crate in the same way Lucy did.. very easily.
I'm sure there are lots more differences and similarities, but for now they evade me. Will update later when they become more apparent. The biggest similarity is that Oscar reminds me of Lucy at that age. He LOOKS so much like Lucy looked. My guess is they'll be mirror images of each other some day.
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