Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last month, I suspected that my son might be developing an ear infection, but there wasn’t an odor. So, I thought it might just be residual fleas from our May infestation/home invasion that crawled into his ears. Nope! Now my baby whines or screams if anything touches his ears (even if he accidentally rubs one against something) and I now smell the odor. I have some Tramadol, so I texted my FL vet friend what dosage to give him for pain. We’ll be visiting his local vet tomorrow.

I had a feeling this would eventually happen. Since a puppy, Zeus refused to let anyone pluck his ears. I read vet recommendations online and even asked my own vet about ear plucking, and the majority verdict was that it’s not necessary unless the breed is known to have ear problems (usually the smaller dogs) or the dog is frequently immersed in water. So, for 5 years, no ear plucking, no swimming pools or open water (his choice), no extensive bathing (just 1x month), and now I have a baby who’s in a lot of pain. :O(

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Comment by Priscilla on July 6, 2016 at 10:30pm
I pluck my boy ear fur. They sell special powder that number the hair follicle. It works really well. I also use epic-otic by vibrac. After doing this is have not had anymore problem.


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