Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Updates on our Molly with Addison's Disease

Well, it is quite a challenge to say the least.   This is a lot like watching a baby with special needs.   You have to work not only with test results but how your dog reacts to meds.   Titration is really tough.  We have lowered her dose of prednisone, but she still drinks in the latter part of the day and has issues at night.   We only left for an hour to go out to eat last night, and she went all over the floor and herself.  Both girls don't understand why we are putting them in the utility room, and they look at me like we are punishing them since they have never been put up before.  Molly got her second shot and is eating really well, not vomiting any more, and the only issue is the frequent urination.   We have titrated her down to .5 ml per day of prednisone, and she is not having incontinence while she sleeps...that was a huge mess.   She seems to do well except for the frequent bathroom breaks late in the day...that is also when her thirst gears up, and we have to take the water away when we leave.  Research information and breeders have been a huge help.  I will say that my knowledge of poodles and hybrids has increased tremendously.    I really appreciate the help of my friends on DoodleKisses and all the sweet comments.     In my heart I am concerned about Molly since stress aggravates Addisons. I am relieved we finally have answers to firve years of health issues and frustration.  I can't tell you how many disagreements my husband and I have had over her care and feeding.   

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Comment by Camilla and Darwin on February 1, 2014 at 1:18pm

Thank you for the updates, thinking of you and Molly and wishing continued improvement for you both.

Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on January 29, 2014 at 11:04pm

I am glad to hear that there are improvements, and except for the urination, she is doing so much better.

Comment by Nicky, Riley & Boris on January 29, 2014 at 7:42am

Glad  to know that there are improvements and want to wish you and dear Mollie only even better health in the future. 

Comment by Lori, Quincy & Frankie on January 29, 2014 at 5:47am

Sending good thoughts for continued progress for you and your sweetie, Molly

Comment by Jennifer and Jack on January 28, 2014 at 3:29pm
Well here is the link ...just in case I don't get back on here... He has lots of great info
Comment by Jennifer and Jack on January 28, 2014 at 3:25pm you know I have primary Addison's disease and my dog Jack has low cortisol and we give him. Pre sis one each day.....0.5 Mls does tell me much I am just wondering if you know the dosage in Mgs she is getting. There is an amazing canine and feline endocrinologist named Mark Peterson ..he practices in NYC ...

You can google him...he has amazing advice...Jack started out on 0.1 Mgs per KG but since he didn't have full blown Addison's (yet or maybe never) it proved to be too much for him and he gained too much weight ..

I do always give him stress steroids too.

As far as me, I don't know if the same rules apply with a dog but I am always thirsty and I always have to urinate... TMI....even when I am on my normal dose of corteff and Florineff .......

When Jack wass being diagnosed, he urinated all over my carpet...I now have hardwood laminates....but he just couldn't hold being an OCD clean freak, it drove me crazy.

We ended up getting cloth diapers for dogs and putting it on him at night....even though I let him out as late as midnight and then as early as six, he would soak his diaper.

He now that he has been on it for a long time now no longer has accidents.....I cut some of his steroids back and he is due for his six month check up this Friday we will see how he does.

I am sorry your sweet girl has this, you all will get the hang of it even more... We laugh now when we have stress in our home....everyone asks me if a Jack and I both had stress steroids......

We send our love and prayers for continued healing.....if you are interested I can post some of the links to dr Peterson ..he is so smart with all,things endocrine pertaining to cats and dogs and I love reading his case studies and research.
Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on January 28, 2014 at 12:52pm

Hang in there…it can't be easy, but I'm hoping life continues to improve for Molly and for you as you get the medication adjusted.

Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on January 28, 2014 at 12:20pm

I'm thinking it must help so much just knowing exactly what you're dealing funny how you're concerned about Molly's stress level....I'm worried about YOUR stress level....LOL.  You're doing such a good job...she's so lucky to have you.

Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on January 28, 2014 at 9:06am

I'm glad that you are making progress with managing Molly's disease, Lizette. I know how overwhelming and frustrating it can be, but it does get easier. Our thoughts and support are with you and Molly. 

Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on January 28, 2014 at 4:25am

In the beginning of our Lymphoma battle with Sophie they thought she had Addison's.  At least for a few hours.  That was the test that led to the Lymphoma diagnosis.  Anyway, we had the same incontinence issues and I feel your pain.  I finally took a very large garbage bag, took the cover off of her bed and put the insides in the bag then put the cover back on.  That way I just had to wash the cover and could just wipe off or change the garbage bag as needed.  Thoughts are with you as you go through this struggle. 


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