Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We may be breeders, but parting with pups is tough

We are new breeders and today we shipped two puppies to new homes for the first time.  I had no idea how attached I had become to these two beauties.  My husband Mike and I had an emotional time saying goodbye to Aspen and Vincent Van Gogh.  Mike wished them both a long and happy life in their new homes.  WOW, this is the tough part.  Tracy and Mike Wynn 

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Comment by Tracy A. Wynn on September 26, 2011 at 4:04pm

It was quite something to see a retirement age man crying like a baby over 8 week old puppies leaving mom and home. We had a big box of tissue! I know whenever I am away from Brooke, my heart feels like it will break into a million pieces. It's like being a teenager in love again, when we're apart! LOL Can you relate? Bet you can!!

Comment by Tracy A. Wynn on September 26, 2011 at 3:59pm

We got into this business because of our extreme love and devotion of our first A.L. Brooke. This was our first litter, and we didn't know how hard it would be to part with the puppies! We so fell in love with them all, that we cried to see 2 of them off this morning, but proud that they have found loving homes. It will take years of breeding these dogs before we would ever see any profit, we have a lot invested in them, money, time, energy, sleep, worry, health care, testing, my, oh my, we had no idea what the cost (in all ways) would be! Still, they are soooooo worth it, aren't they? It brings us great joy to be able to share this amazing breed of dog to other doodle lovers. Thanks for the compliments on our babies! You are so kind! We will refer the new owners to this great website, for sure!! Thanks again!

Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on September 26, 2011 at 3:51pm
I know this would be hard. I couldn't do it. Well, at least not without bawling my head off. I'm sure they are in good homes!
Comment by Kaytlin and Cooper on September 26, 2011 at 3:30pm
Ive just had a look at your website. You appear to be a good, responsible breeder. And the fact that its hard to see the pups goes PROVES that you care very much about them, and they arent just for making money. Hopefully you direct all new owners to this fantastic website! You have some beautiful dogs.


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