Last week Jess was still in the ICU. Last week Jess took his first steps. Last week Jess could not eat or drink. Last week Jess could barely hold my hand, could not hold a pen, needed to be placed in his bed.
This week Jess began to eat. His voice for the most part has returned. He can squeeze my hand, pull himself up in bed, and get up with minimal assistance, and walk a couple of laps with a walker. Jess sits at the sink and shaves; he can hold a pen and sign his name. Amazing? It is inspirational.
I arrived during the Echocardiogram. The sonographer was clicking away at a screen that displayed Jess’s heart. It was moving, it is noisy, but beyond that we were never told the results. This left us both a little twitchy all day. What is the game plan, where are we going, what is happening?
Jess’s oxygen remains in the 98 – 100 range. His CVP measures 7 in the morning and 10 in the afternoon. His feet appear swollen, no, they are swollen. No temp. Blood pressure seems low but no one is too concerned and the cardiac nurse seems to think he is doing fine. So we are in limbo.
Jess was not feeling as well as yesterday but he managed to do his walkabouts and his reclined elliptical machine. I attribute it to concern over the lack of feedback. The focus is gaining strength; nobody seems to want to talk to us about the heart. Jess is really O.K with modifying his level of activity, but the lack of knowledge to what that will be at this point is frustrating to both of us.
Today we opened several more Doodle cards. Jesse wants everyone to know how much he appreciates your prayers and good vibes. He hopes he will get well and be “back in business” again.
Meanwhile Regina and Jacob took Phoebe and Hobbes for two hardy walks today. They let Phoebe run free in the greenbelts – she loves this. Phoebe likes to take her own leash and walk herself. Pretty cute, but I am on leash five or six and she is only eleven months old (she will be on the 14th)
Funny, I am finding myself so tired, yet again...
Doodle Kisses and sweet dreams, J,J, P and H.
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