Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What Brother?....I've Never Seen That Dood Before.

Today the boys went to Daycare for the first time in weeks.  I haven't been sending them because they've been getting plenty of exercise this Summer, but today DH and I had plans  so we decided it would be a good day for them to go.  We stayed for a while after dropping them off and watched on camera.  It was really pretty interesting.  They got there mid morning, so most of the other dogs were already there.  They all seem to know when there's a new dog coming in....I suppose they hear the bell that rings when the front door opens.  Anyway they all run to the door that enters into the play area and wait.  So, in come Guinness and Murph to a welcoming committee of about 30 dogs.  Guinness is thrilled to death....he's kind of bouncing around with his tail wagging a mile a minute.  Murph is not sure about this whole thing, so he decides the best thing to do is to stay right near his brother.  Do you think he thought Guinness was going to protect him...goofball!  Picture Guinness running, jumping and greeting all his friends with his big brother stuck like glue.  For about the first five minutes Guinness was okay with this whole "clingy thing", but then he just had enough of it.  He wanted to play with his own buddies and he wanted to ditch Murph.  It was just hysterical to watch this unfold.  Every time Murphy came near him he ran away and started playing with other dogs.  Finally, poor Murph got the point.  He walked away looking pretty miserable.  He did find a few of his own friends after a while.  I was thinking about how my two daughters acted very much like this.  When nobody else was around they were the best of friends, but when my older DD was with her friends, she wanted no part of her younger sister tagging along.  Clearly today, Guinness wanted no part of his "baby brother".

There must have been a big party at The Clubhouse after we left because my Doods are exhausted.  I had to coax Murph to even eat part of his dinner...he didn't even want to move.  Now it looks like they have both tucked themselves in for the night.

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Comment by Rose Ann and Amante on September 15, 2011 at 2:37pm
I am waiting for Amante to have all his shots so I can enroll him in a daycare program. Especially when i start clinical. I want a tired doodle!!!
Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on September 13, 2011 at 8:04am
That must be great to be able to watch, but to be honest I would have felt so bad for Murphy that he was dissed by his brother that I probably would have had a crummy day. I'm glad he came around and found some friends. it really is just like real people isn't it?
Comment by Vicki, Maggie and Mollie's Page on September 13, 2011 at 7:43am

  I can just see this happening step by step, good job telling that story! We usually use family to babysit our "Doodle Girls" and we go to dog parks for socialization; but we are thinking of leaving them at a daycamp/care for a few hours to see how they do. I believe the situation would be similar with Maggie hanging by Mollie and Mollie wanting to ditch her! haha Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading it. Your guys are adorable and love the names!

Comment by Carol and Banjo on September 13, 2011 at 5:27am
Oh Jane that must have been hysterical to watch....I'm laughing just imagining Guinness wanting to hang out with his buds and poor Murphy trying to be one of the gang.     My two girls did the same thing!  LOL!
Comment by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on September 13, 2011 at 4:05am
Jane you are so lucky that you get to watch your boys while they are there.  Our day care doesn't have a camera - they just give us a form report card telling us who they played with and doing what.  Rooney is in the small dog group and Stuart has moved up to a bigger size class now so that don't get to play together.  I think that is good - gives Rooney time away from his brother and helps Stuart learn to play with other dogs.  I'm jealous of your day care!!!!!
Comment by Pat and Traveler on September 12, 2011 at 7:15pm
Such a great story!  I could just see this whole thing unfolding.  Poor Murph--the older siblings always ditch the younger ones.  Trav loves going to daycare, and plays happily for about the first 10 minutes.  Then he just finds a place with a view of the gate and waits for me to come and get him.  It seems like a waste of money to pay for daycare when he spends 90% of the time just lying around waiting.  He could do that at home!
Comment by Tessa, Ellie and Wheezy on September 12, 2011 at 6:23pm

I wish we still had doggie day care around here...they closed a really great one we had this summer.  :(   Sounds like that had a blast!!!

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on September 12, 2011 at 6:08pm
Poor Murphy. I guess Guinness was showing him who was the boss...LOL! I do love two tired Doodles :)
Comment by Katie, John & Parker pup on September 12, 2011 at 5:46pm
haha! Awww! Poor Murphy! Too funny!
Comment by Linda and Murphy on September 12, 2011 at 5:37pm
Poor Murphy!    Great story.


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