Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi has not been a very good day. This morning when I woke up Whopper was cuddled right next to me and I thought this was the start of a great day. After cuddling for a while, Whopper started to dry heave. She clearly tried to get something out a couple of times and nothing came out. She then settled back down on the bed and was giving lots of kisses. A little while later, more dry heaving and I quickly ushered Whopper out to our patio in case she was able to get anything up. Still nothing! Back to our bed Whopper went. My husband tried giving her a little water but she refused to drink anything. We also chose not to feed her until she was feeling better. A little more time passes and Whopper starts dry heaving again...for 5 minutes she's struggling and only once does a little acid come out. We call the vet as she is very uncomfortable. We get to the vet within 45 minutes after Whopper pooped. We were relieved that she pooped before we left. In the waiting area Whopper was acting totally out of character and barking very excessively at all of the other dogs. I chalked this up to her just be very anxious and uncomfortable. Anyway, at the vet her temperature was slightly elevated and because of how deep her chest is and how high up her stomach is, the vet was a little concerned that the dry heaving may be an early sign of bloat and that an x-ray would be necessary. We waited back in the waiting room for probably 15 minutes before walking back into the exam room. The vet said I've got good news and bad news...the good news was it isn't bloat, the bad news is that Whopper swallowed a brillo pad that is now stuck in her stomach and intestines and wasn't going to clear through. So...Whopper is currently in emergency surgery and will be at the vet at least until Monday. I am desperately trying to keep busy as I wait for the vet to call us to tell us that the surgery went well and is over. I know this is long but I guess the moral of this post is that we all know our dogs pretty well. Probably 9 out of ten times Whopper will throw up and I won't even call the vet. Today we just sensed it was something more and are very lucky we did. Always trust your instincts! We are very fortunate because a few months back I finally decided to buy pet insurance. When the vet showed us an estimate ranging from $1750 - $2260 we knew that pet insurance prevented me from heading to an ER myself. Anyway, please send good thoughts and well wishes Whopper's way because she will definitely need all of her friends helping her through this recovery!

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Comment by Amanda and Quinn on June 7, 2010 at 2:03pm
Oh poor Whopper - and poor you guys! So glas she's going to be ok, and fingers crossed that you're covered.
Comment by Leslie and Halas on June 7, 2010 at 1:30pm
I'm so happy to hear that Whopper's going to be OK. I hope she recovers quickly.
Comment by Yvonne N on June 7, 2010 at 12:37pm
Oh poor thing. Rest up now that surgery is over and get better. XOXOX
Comment by Lindsey, Lee, Whopper and Simba on June 7, 2010 at 11:12am
We have PetPlan as well with a $200 deductible and 100% coverage. Hopefully it will truly cover 100% of our costs beyond the $200. We definitely didn't expect to have an emergency like this as Whopper has never eaten anything like this. She has shred magazines and any paper she can find at times and has even shred cereal boxes, but even when she has found her favorite banana cheerios, all of the cheerios and the box remnants are scattered all over the floor. We really think that because my husband used this brillo pad to clean after she was given chicken and rice for dinner, this probably was left in a not so great place and smelled really good to her. It probably seemed like one of her scented chews and made a cool noise and she got confused. I guess we'll never know but hopefully she's learned her lesson. We will definitely let everyone know once we file our claim.
Comment by Lucy & AnnaBelle's Mom on June 7, 2010 at 11:06am
So happy that Whopper is coming home. I cannot even imagine the toll this has taken on you. I would have been a mess. I am so proud of your restraint in not going to visit as you are exactly right that it probably would not have been good for her, but I know that must have really been hard to do.

Once this is all over and everything has settled let us know how the pet insurance that you have worked. I know many of us have been curious of late as to which plan is the best for things like this. I've bought PetPlan, but not had to use it yet (thank goodness). My idea of insurance is paying those premiums and never needing to use it! Enjoy your evening with Whopper.
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on June 7, 2010 at 10:47am
I am so excited that you get to bring her home today!! I am sure working is impossible. Please give Whopper tons of kisses from her DK family! Thank goodness the surgery is over...:)
Comment by Dana on June 7, 2010 at 10:42am
Great news!! I know one little dood that's going to extra loving tonight. Give her O"s & X's from Mac & me.
Comment by Lindsey, Lee, Whopper and Simba on June 7, 2010 at 10:35am
We get to bring Whopper home at 5 today!!!! I'm so excited that focusing at work is pretty impossible right now. Thanks for all of the well-wishes and I'm sure once Whopper has settled in over the next few days and gets off the meds a little she'll post a message letting all of her friends know about her ordeal!
Comment by GBK on June 7, 2010 at 10:32am
Good to hear Whopper is doing well. Prayers and good thoughts for a speedy recovery, so understand about not wanting to upset him!
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on June 7, 2010 at 5:47am
We're hoping that Whopper is doing much better and can come home tonight!


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