Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Why does my doodle have to pee every 30 min. ONLY AT NIGHT

My Doodle is 5 months old and she usually will hold her pee all day while I'm at work for 8 hours. But during the night she is barking at me every 30 to an hour becuase she wants to go outside. She usually pees everytime I take her out but I have to get up around 5 to 6 times at night to let her out. This is getting exhausting but I can't ignore her bc she won't stop barking at me. This just started within the past two weeks bc she use to sleep through the entire night. 

I don't give her any water right before bed and I don't leave her water bowl out all night. However, she does tend to drink lots of water at the dog park. 

Does anyone else have this problem? Please give advice :) 

Thanks, Veronica Torres 

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Comment by Barbara B., Sasha & Oliver on July 5, 2016 at 4:49am

Aside for a UTI, when I was training my doodles, my bedtime is 10 pm  I would pick up the water about 8 and take them out quite a few times before I went to bed.  Never had an issue.

Comment by Wendy and Myla on June 26, 2016 at 9:01pm

Great news!  Well, a UTI isn't great news, but it's better than Cece going backwards in her training :)  Now Cece is feeling better and you are getting your sleep! 

Comment by Veronica Torres on June 20, 2016 at 7:01am

Good Morning and thank you for all the input. I took Cece to the vet and she did have a UTI so they gave her antibiotics to cure the problem. She has been taking the antibiotics for two days now and she has only waken me up once during the night. Last night she slept all night so I think it's getting better. :) 

Thank you, Veronica Torres 

Comment by Wendy and Myla on June 18, 2016 at 5:54pm

How did you make out at the vet?  If it's not a UTI, I agree with Adina and there is lots of information about this in the training group! 

Comment by Adina P on June 17, 2016 at 10:06am

If it is only at night and she can hold it all day, I suspect it's a learned behavior.  If you get cleared on the UTI situation, I suggest you try to stretch out those night time potty breaks a little each night .  Maybe even set an alarm clock so that she associates being let out with when the timer goes off. 
Is her crate in your room or in another room?
If the crate is in your room, move it and put in ear plugs.
If it is not in your room, put it in your room, that might comfort her.
There's a lot of possibilities in ways to solve this if it is not a UTI.

Comment by Veronica Torres on June 16, 2016 at 2:22pm

Thank you Wendy and Myla for the response. She has an appointment on saturday so I will make sure and ask the vet to check her for a UTI. I did think it was very stange of her to be doing this becuase she hadn't been wanting to go out at night until this week. I def. don't want my baby to be in any type of pain. 

Thanks for the input :) 

Comment by Wendy and Myla on June 16, 2016 at 2:01pm

Because she is peeing every time you take her out, I would have her checked for a UTI.  When Myla was a pup she was the opposite - she would sleep all night but would have accidents in the house during the day.  I held off taking her to the vet because I figured if she could hold it all night, she didn't have a UTI - but she did and I felt terrible for having her go through that for a week.  If she does have a UTI it is very simple to treat with antibiotics. BTW, she is adorable!


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