Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

For those of you who work from home, do you get Doodle guilt? I know puppies and dogs sleep a lot, that's normal, but as the sun starts to become a more regular occurrence I'm feeling more and more guilty watching Bern mope around the house because I can't play with him every second!

It doesn't help that I just took on a new client and am juggling a new schedule.

Do you all go through this? I realize there's not much I can do - if I worked out of the house he'd be here alone likely moping anyway...but part of me feels entertaining him should be included in the "benefits package" of working from home?!

Perhaps it goes deeper and the part of me that wants to be outside in the sun too is beating my good work ethic side over the head for being indoors...

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Comment by Amy & Bernie on May 17, 2011 at 4:50pm
So glad they can't use the phone!
Comment by Adina P on May 17, 2011 at 2:58pm
I feel very little guilt unless I'm home and must keep them confined.  Otherwise I think the doodles should feel a little more guilty for poking their nose into my laptop...LOL
Comment by Sharon & Monty on May 17, 2011 at 2:20pm
Total guilt when I leave for work.  Even worse guilt when we go out for dinner or shopping!  I think if Monty could use the phone, he would be calling us asking when we expected to get back.  LOL
Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on May 17, 2011 at 1:03pm
DH works from home and if he is on the laptop too long, Peri comes and swats his legs and he knows then it's "pet time" :)
Comment by Phoebe's Mom on May 17, 2011 at 11:56am
I feel doodle guilt all the time and I am a stay at home mom...non-working variety!  I feel guilty when I run errands and stay out longer than I had expected (okay, I'll cop to it...longer than I TOLD Phoebe I would be if she were watching the clock!) or if I am busy in the bedrooms (Phoebe is not allowed upstairs).  I also feel terribly guilty when I start cooking/washing dishes and Phoebe is pushing her toy into my tush and I simply cannot play at that time.  Oh, the guilt of a good doodle mom!
Comment by Amy & Bernie on May 17, 2011 at 10:51am
It is Adina, good idea. Duh! It's like I forgot what sun is...
Comment by Adina P on May 17, 2011 at 10:31am
He's not moping...he's relaaaaaxing =)   Sometimes I take my laptop outside in the yard and enjoy the sunshine that way with the that an option for what you do?


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