Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yay! We Met Sophie, Dougie, Rosebud, Baila, Looie and their people!

Many thanks to Bob, Matt, and Sophie for hosting our first ever Bucks County Doodles Romp last Sunday!  Dogs and people had a lot of fun and Sophie's backyard was just perfect for doodle antics!  Sophie is the sweetest girl with the most gorgeous red coat. Some of you may remember that Sophie was seriously ill not too long ago so it was great to see her healthy and running again! Yay! We loved meeting Bob, Matt and Sophie, Adrienne and Dougie, Alla and Baila (founder of the group), Marcie, her daughter Hannah and Rosebud, and Dave and Looie (just 4 months old-- Looie, that is :)  Finnegan was so smitten with pretty Rosebud, he put his paw on her to try to keep her from walking away. And he kept following her around bopping her on the head with his nose.  If he thought this was the way to her heart, he was wrong :(  Sorry Finn.  So happy to finally get to meet Adrienne and Dougie --although Dougie resisted my best efforts to photograph him :)  What a cutie! This group was just the sweetest group of doodles and once again DK people rock!

Beautiful Sophie

Looie may be the youngest, but he knows where the water is and he's keeping an eye on it.

Looie proves he can run with the "big dogs"

Looie still watching over the water bowl LOL


Alla's Baila --the most athletic doodle I've met bar none.  I think her name means "lovely airborne ballerina"


Laurie and GBK, 5 doodles!!  Count 'em :)  LOL


















Finney's newfound love... Miss Rosebud...such a happy girl!

 Dougie, has the most beautiful silky chocolate coat.  He's adorable and a real love bug but posing was not his thing on Sunday.  Next time Dougie, I'm bringing the squeaker toy!

Hannah and her Rosebud

Marcie and Rosebud...sooo cute!

I've finally got the water bowl to MYSELF ~ Looie (Waterlou)

End of a great afternoon!  Bob and Sophie, Adrienne and Dougie, David and Looie (sorry I didn't get the whole group time!)

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Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on September 14, 2013 at 8:17am

Alla, you should join the Photography Group :)  We'd love to have you and it's a lot of fun!

Thanks Anne!

Comment by Alla on September 14, 2013 at 6:17am

Here's a link to more pictures which I took from the day:

Comment by Anne & Mr. Haley on September 14, 2013 at 5:27am

Love your blog and the pictures.  Thanks for sharing.

Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on September 14, 2013 at 3:11am

Lonnie, you're so right about DK people and their doodles! And after a little sniffing all the dogs were immediate friends--their different ages and sizes didn't matter one bit.  I thought that was amazing.

Thanks Pat.  Yep, Finn sure knows how to pick 'em LOL 

Thanks Joyce. Glad you enjoyed them.  Alla took a bunch of great pictures too ...they're posted on the Bucks County Doodles group/page

Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on September 13, 2013 at 6:30pm

Joanna, Looie cracked me up with that water bowl :)  Don't you just love that face!

Alla thanks!  It was fun wasn't it!

Adrienne, of course you can come back :)  I want to watch Dougie grow -- he's sooo adorable!

Comment by Adrienne on September 13, 2013 at 5:51am

A great time was had by all...Thanks for the Blog Cheryl and the great photos to capture the day.  Unfortunately, Dougie was the "shade" and "jerky treat" hog and wanted no parts of the running around in the sun.  I have to teach him how to "party", LOL!!  I can't wait to do it again...  Even if I'm in DE, it is a short drive, I can come back, right????  :)

Comment by Alla on September 13, 2013 at 5:29am
What a great blog post! Baila had lots of fun, we must do it again!
Comment by Joanna, Zoe & Bender on September 12, 2013 at 5:18pm

Such a cute bunch!  I love how Looie is hanging out by the water bowl LOL!

Comment by Cheryl and Finnegan on September 12, 2013 at 2:56pm

Thanks Laurie. Regarding the Group shot --apparently not :(

Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on September 12, 2013 at 1:28pm

BTW...great photos and once again, no group shot. Did we learn nothing in PA?? :)


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