November 2014
Biting feet - need boots?
We were really cold in Minnesota today. The current wind chill is -5 at 7PM. I noticed a few times that after being outside for 5-10 minutes, during each play time, Dagny was biting at her feet. S…
Biting feet - need boots?
1 Favorite
October 2014
Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
Where's the Poodle in my Doodle?
60 Favorites
A few questions and observations for my 12wk…
I've been trying to read as much on here as possible and it has been very helpful. I feel like a list newly at times. Rosie is extremely nippy. If she's awake, she's nipping at me. Nothing holds her…
A few questions and observations for my 12wk…
1 Favorite